Performance Test 1

In Performance Test 1, the team was tasked to simply get the AEV to the gate without hitting it, then pass through it only after it opened. This task was accomplished relatively simply through trial and error. The code used during the test can be found under Performance_Test on the Code page. The design used for this test can be found under Performance Test 1 and 2 Design on the Evolution of Design page. In this test, the AEV moved at 30% power to just before the gate, then slowed down as it approached the first sensor.

The following graph shows the power usage over time of the AEV for this test:

Additionally the group tried to experiment with using a quick burst of speed to get up the hill, as seen in Burst_Test on the Code page, but that was quickly abandoned as it was too unreliable. However, this code was the first to integrate a if-statement in order to detect whether or not the AEV had actually made it to the first sensor or if it went to short.