Division H – Performance Tests

Performance Test 1

The next objective was to complete Performance Test One. The AEV had to go from the starting zone, up an incline of 2 inches, and stop a certain distance away from the gate, but not get too close. There is a sensor about a foot away from the gate that the AEV is to trigger, causing the gate to open up after 7 seconds. There is a second sensor much closer to the gate, about an few inches away, and if the AEV triggers this sensor, the gate will not open and fails the test. The AEV had to wait for 7 seconds for the gate to open and then move through the gate, completing Performance Test One successfully. The purpose of Performance Test One was to prepare for the final test of the AEV to perform basic functions of a normal transportation system. This includes moving on a slanted track, stopping with accuracy, and starting back up after a specific amount of time. The code used to complete this test was fairly simple. The AEV started with a specific amount of power enough to get it moving and up the slanted portion of the track. Then, the AEV motors were powered off at an experimentally determined distance before the first sensor. The AEV was then allowed to coast into the waiting zone in between the sensors. The code had the AEV sit still for the 7 seconds and move past the gate after it opens.

Performance Test 1 and starting Performance Test 2

Performance Test 2

Performance Test 2 was the next task to complete. In this test, the AEV had to perform everything in the previous test plus connect to a cargo load with a magnet in the loading zone and stay there for at least five seconds, and then leave the loading zone. When connecting to the cargo load, the AEV is to refrain from pushing the cargo load past the tape the wheel closest to the AEV rests on. This Performance Test demanded more accuracy from the AEV since it had to go a longer distance and not slam into the cargo load on the other end. The team was able to figure out an accurate method of completing the test by allowing the AEV to coast just up to where it needs to stop, then run a while loop that pushes the AEV until it gets to the measured distance of where it needs to be. This guarantees the AEV will not go past its desired location since it was powered for a second or less and stops right after it hits where it is supposed to be. The code was applied to the testing area for Performance Test One as well. The AEV did everything it did in Performance Test One. After, The AEV moved past the gate after it opened and shut the motors off at the top of another inclined plane. The AEV coasted down this hill and stopped a bit short from the loading zone. This AEV then used the coasting with a short burst method to accurately place it in the loading zone. The AEV was able to connect to the cargo load and wait the 5 seconds before taking off back to where it came from.

Final Performance Test

The final performance test had the AEV complete everything in performance test 2 plus going back to the starting zone. This included going back up the downward incline and stopping inside another set of sensors to raise the gate once more and wait for 7 seconds. The AEV with the cargo load proceeded through the gate and then went down the incline from the start and had to stop with all parts of the AEV and cargo load inside the starting zone, which was the first two brackets supporting the track. The codes that the group used to successfully complete these tests can be found here.