Team Meeting Notes 1
Date: 19 – Jan – 2017
Time: 6:30 pm (Face-to-Face)
Venue: Hitchcock Hall
Members Present: Muhammad Akmal Ishak, Zam Ramdzam, Affiq Ruslin, Haiqal Azman
Topics Discussed: Lab 1 Post-Lab
Today’s main focus was to know the format of progress report and to discuss the team’s plan to make sure the entire project run smoothly.
To do/Action Items:
-Hand in the progress report to the TA’s for proofread.
-Read lab manual before attending any lab session every week.
-Update portfolio.
-Weekly meeting will be held every Sunday at 9 a.m at room 324 Hitchcock Hall
-Team member who does not manage to attend meeting with reasons will still be able to complete team’s work online.
-Zam is the project manager, Affiq is responsible for documentation, Haiqal is responsible for coding while Akmal is in charge of design.
Team members will use team calendar as a guideline and it will be updated every week. Errors will be revised during meeting and recommendation will be stated on progress report for revision. Lab manual must be analyzed and every team members need to understand the lab activity so that every member can participate actively during lab session.
Team Meeting Notes 2
Date: 29 – Jan – 2017
Time: 9.00 a.m (Face-to-Face)
Venue: Hitchcock Hall
Members Present: Muhammad Akmal Ishak, Zam Ramdzam, Affiq Ruslin, Haiqal Azman
Topics Discussed: Lab 2 Post – Lab
Today’s main focus is on reorganizing task among team members and discuss the difficulty happened
during lab 2 session.
To do/Action Items:
-Hand in the progress report to the TA’s for proofread.
-Discussing all questions given in the progress report guideline.
-Imagine an early figure for orthographic sketch for lab 3 and present it verbally before meeting ends
-Team members discussed the reason the AEV does not move with 25% power coded. This is because
this may affect the team’s consideration in dictating power for the AEV.
-Zam emphasized that the experimental data will not always tally with theoretical data.This is because
the group, sometimes, had some deviation in data. However, any deviation should be reasoned and
clarified in the progress report.
-Affiq (Wind Tunnel Expert) made a presentation regarding the data collected during the wind tunnel
testing with other group members. This is crucial for all members to know about this wind tunnel test
otherwise the concept in designing the AEV would be poor.
-Akmal suggested all team members to hand in their AEV early sketch design the day before lab 3 starts.
Problem raised during the lab may effect the regularity in completing the lab report. Team
members need to consider the risk factor in completing the project as well as weekly progress report.
For example, data for wind tunnel test had been changed and Zam had to do all over again for the