Lab 06

reverse(2); // reverse motor 2
motorSpeed(4,35); // all motors are set at 35% power
goToAbsolutePosition(402); // moves the AEV to 402 marks from original position
brake(4); // stops all motors
rotateServo(38); // rotate the servo to 38 degrees for braking
goFor(7); // making the AEV stop for at least 5 seconds
motateServo(0); // rotate the servo to 0 degrees
motorSpeed(4,35); // all motors set to 35% power
goToRelativePosition(408); // moves the AEV to 408 marks from the current position
brake(4); // stops all motors
rotateServo(38)// rotate servo to 38 degrees for braking
rotateServo(0); // rotate the servo to 0 degrees
reverse(1); // reverse motor 1
reverse(2); // reverse motor 2
motorSpeed(4,45); // all motors are set at 45% power
goToAbsoultePosition(555); // moves the AEV to 555 marks from original position
brake(4); // stops all motors
rotateServo(38); // rotating servo to 38 degrees
goFor(7); // making the AEV stop at least 5 seconds
rotateServo(0); // rotate the servo to 0 degrees
motorSpeed(4,45); // all motors are set at 45% power
goToAbsolutePosition(30); // moves the AEV to 30 marks from original position
brake(4); // braking all motors
rotateServo(38) // rotate servo to 38 degrees for braking