Lab 2

Lab Description:

The focus of this lab was to allow for the experimentation of the Arduino code, Arduino sketchbook, and the propeller motors that will be used for the rest of the project. The first task of this lab was to download the “AEV Sketchbook” that had all the predefined commands that will be used in the coding process. The sketchbook included commands that will execute actions such as accelerating the propellers, breaking the motors, and a “goFor” command that will cause the last command to last a predetermined about of time. The “Arduino IDE,” the programming software that was used, was downloaded, and the sketchbook was uploaded to the software.

The second task of the lab was to create a code based on two scenarios that were given.The fist scenario was very similar to what will actually be needed when ruining the AEV on the track; however, not the exact one that will be needed. The second scenario was one that, at first, seemed like a regular code; but once it was written, uploaded to the Arduino board, the Imperial March theme from Star Wars was played using the sound caused form the spinning of the propellers.

When the codes were being executed during each run, observations were made on how the code, motors, and propellers all behaved, in-order to get a better understanding of the restrictions for when the AEV is actually placed on the track.

Lab Take Aways: 

This lab not only gave the necessary tools and instruction on how to code using the Arduino software, but it also gave the necessary practice that was needed in order to accomplish all further codes. It was also learned that there is some fiction present at the initial start up of the motors that may need to be taken into account later in the project. Moreover, the restrictions on the motors such as not being able to go 60%, and the restrictions on the coding such as the “brake” function not actually breaking the AEV but rather just stopping the propeller rotation. Lastly, it was notice that although the two code scenarios were not to the ones that will be needed in future experiences, scenario 1 gave a better understanding of the type of code that should be written in order to have a successful run on the track.

Lab Schedule: 

  • January 22, 2020: Have all codes written, uploaded and tested
  • January 23, 2020: Begin work on lab memo
  • January 29, 2020: Turn in lab memo

Meeting Notes:

  • In order to have a successful code upload to the Arduino board no other USB devices can be connected to the computer so the program knows what port to export the code to.
  • For Arduino codding a semicolon needs to be placed at the end of each line to allow for a complete run.
  • When writing sections make sure that the requirements are met per the technical communications guide and pages 30 and 31 in the lab manual.
  • Nate Johnson will write the introduction and the discussion on the two code scenarios.
  • Jason Kibler II will comment on the Arduino code as well as upload the code to the document.
  • Heath Myers will write the resolving error, limitations, AEV behavior, recommendations, and the conclusion sections.
  • The second code will have to be uploaded as a picture to allow for it to fit on one page for easy viewing.

                                     You can view the whole lab here: AEV Lab Memo 2