Lab 3 Meeting Notes

Week 3

Date: 06-Feb-2017

Time: 9:30 pm (online)

Members Present: Charles Hanley, Tom Weber, Eric Perez, Ian Liljestrand

Topics Discussed: Lab 04 Post Lab

Objective:  Today’s main focus was to start adding to the AEV portfolio as well as work on the Lab 04 Post Lab. The group each sketched designs, but we need to combine all sketches into the best design. The group will also look into the instruction for the next lab in order to have a better understanding of it.

Decisions:  The group was unable to decide what material used so far because we ran out of time, however we decided Tom’s sketch was the most unique and we are basing the final sketch off of his. We did not choose a final material, but we know the material has to be light and relatively inexpensive. Cardboard will be used primarily for the aesthetics.


-The group was very productive even though we worked over google docs.

– Should the need arise working online is an effective method.

– Need to plan out more time to work on reports because Eric prefers working in person.

