Performance Test 3 Meeting Notes

Week 12

Date: 16-April-2017

Time: 10:00 pm (online)

Members Present: Charles Hanley, Tom Weber, Eric Perez, Ian Liljestrand

Topics Discussed: Final testing

Objective:  The main topic of today’s meeting was to talk about any final improvements to be made to the AEV.

Decisions:  The group has decided that no extra work needs to be done to the AEV and what we will be doing during lab is making each test run consistent and will adjust the code so that each test run works the same way. In turn, the code will remain relatively similar and will utilize using brake and reverse commands and will not rely on coasting to a stop.


– The group is pleased with the progress of the AEV and believes it is almost complete

– AEV needs to have consistent runs so the code does not need to be slightly altered each time

– CDR needs to be looked at and started because the deadline is approaching

