Performance Test 2

Week 10


In Lab 10: Performance Test 3: Energy Optimization, the team worked towards making the AEV as efficient as possible without jeopardizing the main objective. Since a main component of the situation background is the scarcity of energy on the planet, it is crucial to make the vehicle as efficient as possible. In order to do this, the team ran the AEV multiple times and checked the sensor data using the MATLAB programs to monitor energy consumption. In addition, the team considered different options to make the vehicle lighter in order to improve the energy to mass ratio.

Results and Analysis

During the lab, the team decided to remove parts of the AEV in efforts to make it lighter and, in addition, more efficient. The team’s biggest challenge was deciding what parts to keep and what parts to remove. After discussion, the team decided the angled plates in the front should be removed since the serve no practical importance to the AEV. In addition, the 3D-printed disk on the top of the AEV was considered to be removed, but the group decided against it since it helped to define the AEV and made it stand out amongst the rest. Also, a topic that was not resolved was whether or not to alter the code in order to make the AEV run more efficiently. An example would be getting the vehicle to stop properly without using so much power on the reverse in order to brake it. In the past lab, the AEV  capable of picking up the transporting droids and waiting at the proper locations for the proper amount of time. Lightening the weight of the AEV will help to ensure it uses the power more efficiently for each gram. However, the team will need to make minor adjustments to the code  in order to account for this new weight.



  1. AEV – The team decided to remove the angled plates in the front of the vehicle to improve efficiency.
  2. General- The team needs to remember to continue following proper testing procedure.