Design Process

Lab 11: Performance Test 4 – Final Testing

In this lab, the team finally tested the AEV that was created through the culmination of experiences gained in all the past labs. The group’s AEV was evaluated in its capability to complete the MCR, while being scored on aspects such as energy usage and time taken as well. Receiving a perfect score, the group’s AEV performed flawlessly, albeit using a higher energy consumption. The group then documented the final results in the Critical Design Report.

The full CDR can be found here: Cumulative Design Report

Lab 10: Performance Test 3 – Energy Optimization

This lab was the team’s last opportunity to work on the AEV design and code solution before final testing commenced in the next lab period. The team, working with a steady design and code base discerned from the prior performance tests, worked on smaller variations and modifications for optimizing energy efficiency. Data from test runs was analyzed to determine the energy use effect of different types of code.

The team’s solution for completing the MCR was finalized in this time. The AEV was programmed to stop at the gate with its cargo, wait, and bring it back to the starting position. Once the team had achieved this step, the MCR’s goals were all completed and the team could move on to smaller adjustments for energy efficiency improvements.

Full progress report can be found here: Lab 11 Progress Report

Lab 09: Performance Test 2 – Code

The second in the series of performance tests, this lab again called for comparison of two possibilities to determine the optimal solution for completing the MCR. In this case, two separate Arduino code solutions were written and compared with each other to determine ideal coding practices for the AEV’s final test run. The code solutions were analyzed according to the criteria the team had previously determined desirable in a successful AEV run, updated with newly gained knowledge.

For the team, these lab periods primarily consisted of achieving the goal of getting the AEV to get to the cargo at the end of the track (the R2D2) and bring it back to the gate. Much trial and error took place to achieve this goal, as new considerations had to be made for the added weight of the caboose. Variations in the code included a change from absolute position to relative position.

Full progress report can be found here: Lab 10 Progress Report

Lab 08: Performance Test 1 – Design

This lab began a series of week-long self-guided lab procedures which would set the format for the remainder of the semester. The team had three lab periods to determine two AEV designs for testing, run a series of performance tests on them, and determine which AEV design would be the best jumping-off point to continue with through the rest of the labs for completing the Mission Concept Review. Comparisons were made based on the vehicle’s ability to arrive and stop at the first gate.

The group ended up spending the majority of the time available in this lab getting the Arduino code right for the vehicle to stop consistently. Some sensor issues as well as programming mistakes made for heavy time constraints. Because of this, the team were only able to perform a successful run on one vehicle design. However, this code gave a solid foundation to move forward in the remaining labs.

Due to the overlap with information in the PDR, a lab report was not required this week. The PDR, containing information about this lab, can be found here: Preliminary Design Report

Lab 07: Energy Model

In lieu of the scheduled PDR Oral Presentations, the team instead used this lab to test and modify the AEV design with the goal of minimizing wheel count sensor error. Consistent wheel count measurements will be crucial in upcoming labs. This also allowed the team to perform objective comparisons between AEV designs by using the provided Energy Model running the same procedures for each one. These insights gave the team a clearer picture of their goals moving on to the more involved labs to come.

The progress report for this lab looks back at all of the labs leading up to this point. It can be found here: Progress Report Lab 8
This lab called for an executive summary, which can be found here: Lab 7 Executive Summary

Lab 06: Halfway Checkpoint

Lab 06 served as a transitional checkpoint between the introductory material of the early labs and the design and testing process of the later labs. Team members took the Lab Proficiency Quiz, which evaluated their knowledge of AEV lab concepts. The team’s progress portfolio was also evaluated at this time. As no lab procedure took place, there is no progress report for this lab.

Lab 05: Screening and Scoring

For this lab, the group used decision making methods to analyze various design concepts that were created in Lab 03 Creative Design. Specifically, the group utilized both concept screening and concept scoring to evaluate each individual member’s design, as well as the collaborative team design. Various success criteria were used to compare designs. Through both concept screening and concept scoring, the group discovered that the team design was superior across most evaluated criteria. The group learned of a useful method to make important design decisions in the future.

Full progress report can be found here: Lab 6 Progress Report

Lab 04: System Analysis

This week’s lab, split into two parts, familiarized the group with data gathering and analysis. The team ran a test on the AEV and learned how to download its EEPROM data to obtain information about the run, as well as how to convert the data into meaningful units and express it graphically. MATLAB and Excel were used for these tasks. The Power vs. Time graph in particular was focused on, and broken down into meaningful distinct phases in order to make a clearer analysis. This data will be utilized in design decisions for the AEV in the future.

Full progress report can be found here: Lab 5 Progress Report

Lab 03: Creative Design

Lab 03 introduced the idea of creativity and how to foster it. Group members were given time to individually brainstorm and create unique AEV designs. The group members were given the freedom to incorporate anything that could be 3D printed or laser engraved. After this, the group members collaborated to combine aspects of each design into one team design. Team J’s collaborative design placed an emphasis on being lightweight and energy efficient. The group effectively created a design that will be used in later labs.

Full progress report can be found here: Lab 4 Progress Report

Lab 02: System Analysis & External Sensors

Split into two parts, Lab 02 exposed the group to both external sensors to be used with the AEV and different propeller configurations, done through a system analysis. To start, reflectance sensors were attached to the AEV. After being equipped to the AEV, the sensors were tested with Arduino’s Serial Monitor. When they were determined to be functioning correctly, the sensors were put to the test, as new function calls were used to create a program for the AEV. After various trials and tribulations, the AEV was finally moving, albeit at a slow and unsteady pace. The group learned of the reflectance sensors that will be used for the rest of the project.

For the second half of the lab, wind tunnel testing was used to observe different propeller configurations. Data for both a Puller 2510 and a Puller 3030 was recorded, while other data was calculated. Results showed that the Puller 3030 was an overall better choice for propeller configuration. The group will be sure to consider this information in the future, when making decisions about the AEV’s propeller design.

Full progress report can be found here: Lab 3 Progress Report

Lab 01: Arduino Programming Basics

The lab introduced the group to function calls that would be used for the AEV project. Alongside this, all of the parts and devices in the AEV kit were introduced. After installing the Arduino program, the group used the previously learned function calls to create two programs that would execute two different scenarios. As a homage to the mission concept review, Scenario 2 had the propellers play the rhythm of the Imperial March.

Full progress report can be found here: Lab 2 Progress Report