Lab 4 Results

Lab 4a was centered around getting the AEV up and running on the track. Following a list of formulas, the team also wrote a program that imports the data straight from the AEV then converts EEPROM data to physical data that is more understandable and common. These tasks were completed over the course of the lab period, leaving part b of the lab for the following week.

Below can be seem a graph viewing the supplied power of the AEV over the time of its run.

On the graph below, the team segmented the data into sections of varying behaviors. The first piece shows a rapid decline in supplied power followed by a plateau of sorts, then a big drop to zero.

The graph below compares three separate trials measuring power over time of the AEV.

Below can be seen the power of the same three trials in the graph above compared to the distance the AEV traveled.