Lab 1 Results

The main task of the group was to become familiar with the physical hardware involved with the control system and to be able to properly setup, program with basic function calls, and execute the desired function of the system. The system consisted of the AEV motor, lithium battery, motor, and other various assembly parts. To complete the tasks for the day the team followed the lab manual directions to set-up both the Arduino software and the equipment so that it was ready to program the AEV’s arduino. The group worked to program the AEV’s ardunio by using the basic commands given in the lab manual. These commands included celerate, motorSpeed, goFor, reverse, and brake. After writing the code the team connected the arduino to the computer using a USB cable in order to upload code onto the arduino. When uploading the code the group experienced error with the arduino that caused it not to function as planned. If the arduino was properly working the group would have seen the motors change speed, brake, and change direction.