LAB 10

Lab 10 also known as performance test 3 and also known as last lab to get the AEV running smoothly. The reason for this is because the next lab is the final testing lab, where the team’s AEV gets scored on its run on the track by a TA. In order for team A’s AEV to be able to complete the task at hand (picking up the R2D2 and bringing it back to the starting point) the A-team had 3/4 of code that needed to be calculated and completed. The team tested the AEV so much that half way through the team had to get another battery because the first one died. After getting the new battery the code has to be altered to adjust for power of battery, this led to the team only being able to finish the first 3/4 of the code. Still leaving to chance stopping at the gate with the R2D2 on the AEV’s return trip. To fix this issue the team planned to meet early for lab 11.

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