
Meeting 1:

Date: 1/10/19

Time: 11:10 am – 12:30 pm

Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224

Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Jacob Domo, and Madison Weiss

Topics Discussed: The team discussed with their company who would set up the website. The team then provided their names, emails, and phone numbers to Connor Kindred who constructed the company’s website. The team then introduced themselves to each other and discussed expectations for this semester. The team also discussed their strengths and weaknesses. Adam and Jacob decided to complete website details while Madison and Lauren worked on the code to make the propellers run. The team observed that the propellers were slow to start, but then they speed up and followed the code without breaking.

Upcoming Tasks: Fill out meeting minutes, populating the website, and assigning roles. Lauren will populate the website, Adam will organize the next meeting time and place, Madison will record the meeting notes, and Jacob will answer the lab one questions.


Meeting 2:

Date: 1/14/19

Time: 10:20 am – 11:15 am

Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 308

Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Jacob Domo, and Madison Weiss

Topics Discussed: The team got to know each other better and got to learn each other’s skills. The team discussed roles they would like to have as the semester went on. They also got to learn about everyone’s majors and why they chose to study engineering.

Upcoming Tasks: The team needs to decide roles. Lauren needs to work on website formatting, Adam needs to look at the AEV model and brainstorm potential designs, Madison needs to keep up on team notes, and Jacob needs to work on website formatting.


Meeting 3:

Date: 1/15/19

Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Location: Basement of 18th Avenue Library

Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Jacob Domo, and Madison Weiss

Topics Discussed: The team met to discuss their approach, format the website, and see what tasks need to be completed. The team also assigned roles to the team members which goes as follows: Adam will be the team leader, Lauren will be the team coder, Madison will be the scribe, and Jacob will be the designer. The team decided that their approach would be to evenly distribute the workload amongst team members and to keep open minds to make the most efficient AEV possible. The team will do this by working together to push each other to think innovatively to design parts that are not only aerodynamic but efficient to develop a good transportation vehicle for the city of Columbus.

Upcoming Tasks: The team will draft a team working agreement before the lab on Thursday. Lauren will keep the website up to date, Adam will set up the next meeting date and time, Jacob will do research on building aerodynamic parts, and Madison will work on putting the meeting notes into the website.


Meeting 4:

Date: 1/16/19

Time: 10:20 am – 11:15 am

Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 308

Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Jacob Domo, and Madison Weiss

Topics Discussed: The team worked on their drawings individually and then discussed the website. The team decided to split up the work on the website this week because there is not much work to split up this week.

Upcoming Tasks: Lauren will upload team photos and majors, Madison will update the team notes, Jacob will work on proofreading the site, and Adam will double check to make sure the site is up to date with any needed changes.


Meeting 5

Date: 1/17/19  

Time: 11:10 am – 12:30 pm

Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224

Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Jacob Domo, and Madison Weiss

Topics Discussed: The group discussed how to complete how to complete task two for the preliminary lab activities. The group decided that Madison and Lauren would code the AEV and that Jacob and Adam would work on looking at the AEV designs.

Upcoming Tasks: Madison and Lauren need to work on getting more familiar with Aurdino. Adam and Jacob need to continue working in SolidWorks and trying to find a design that works for the AEV.


Meeting 6

Date: 1/23/19

Time: 10:20 am – 11:15 am

Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 308

Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Jacob Domo, and Madison Weiss

Topics Discussed: The team worked on their drawing and further discussed their AEV design. The team decided that they need to work more on the design of the AEV and working on how to make the AEV more lightweight.

Upcoming Tasks: Lauren and Madison will continue to work with the coding software and becoming more comfortable with the coding commands and how they work. Adam and Jacob will continue refining the AEV design and researching how to make lighter weight parts.


Meeting 7

Date: 1/24/19

Time: 11:10 am -12:30 pm

Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224

Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Jacob Domo, and Madison Weiss

Topics Discussed: The team worked on their drawing as this week’s lab was a graphics class. The team worked on becoming more comfortable with Solidworks through assignments. The team also began to learn more about who has what strengths throughout the project and it has helped guide the group in dividing up the workload based on who can do what the best and the most time efficient.

Upcoming Tasks: Madison will update the meeting notes, Lauren will update the website, Adam will begin designing the part that will be proposed for the AEV design update, and Jacob will keep the team on track by communicating due dates and planning meeting times for the team.


Meeting 8

Date: 1/28/19

Time: 10:20 am – 11:15 am

Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 308

Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Jacob Domo, and Madison Weiss

Topics Discussed: The team completed their drawing midterm and then worked on graphics application 7.  The team did not have much time to discuss upcoming teamwork so the team just decided that everyone should continue working on their tasks from the last meeting and be prepared for lab on Thursday.

Upcoming Tasks: Madison will update the meeting notes, Lauren will update the website, Adam will begin designing the part that will be proposed for the AEV design update, and Jacob will keep the team on track by communicating due dates and planning meeting times for the team.


Meeting 9

Date: 1/31/19

Time: 11:10 am – 12:30 pm

Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224

Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Jacob Domo, and Madison Weiss

Topics Discussed: The team worked on their program to make their AEV run on the track. Lauren and Madison worked on coding the AEV to run on the track and ran the reflective sensor test to ensure that the sensors were still working. Jacob and Adam worked on assembling the AEV and assisting Lauren and Madison in coding errors. The team then discussed who would make what chess piece and how to improve the team’s coding attempts.

Upcoming Tasks: Lauren will design the bishop, Madison will design the queen, Adam will design rook, and Jacob will design the king. Madison and Lauren will work on coding in Arduino to become more comfortable with all the default settings and how to check for bugs. Adam and Jacob will continue to work on designing the additional part for the AEV and the whole team will work on drafting their proposal for the part. Madison will update the meeting notes.