Meeting 10
Date: 2/3/19
Time: 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Location: Houston House Floor 5
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team discussed restraints for their chess pieces and showed other teammates their final chess piece designs. The team also discussed the website update two that is impending and assigned roles to each team member for the website update. The team also discussed the AEV design proposal for the additional part that could be completely funded.
Upcoming Tasks: Lauren will add new pages to the website, Madison will update meeting notes, Jacob will upload the coding glossary, and Adam will continue to design the AEV part and ask team members for help when needed. The whole team will need to work on the proposal for the AEV to hopefully get a fully funded part.
Meeting 11
Date: 2/4/19
Time: 10:20 pm – 11:15 pm
Location: Hitchcock Hall 308
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The group learned how to dimension in class and discussed how to dimension APP 09 while working on it with class time. The team also discussed what part they wanted to design for the grant proposal. We wanted to install an arm to come down to stop the AEV more quickly and to help aid the motors in switching directions.
Upcoming Tasks: Lauren needs to keep updating the website, Madison needs to keep updating the meeting minutes, Adam needs to continue designing the AEV part, and Jacob needs to keep brainstorming the pitch for the part by working with Adam on the design features and their benefits.
Meeting 12:
Date: 2/6/19
Time: 10:20 pm – 11:15 pm
Location: Hitchcock Hall 308
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The class learned how to make section views in SolidWorks. The team worked together to help each other with the tutorial. The team also further discussed how to improve the AEV and decided they wanted to get rid of the stopping arm idea to pursue a lighter weight AEV design to get more speed with less power.
Upcoming Tasks: Lauren needs to continue updating the website and proofreading Madison’s notes, Madison needs to keep updating the meeting notes, Jacob needs to research ways to make the AEV stay on the track with a light mass, and Adam needs to continue refining the part to make it more lightweight. Each group member also needs to design their own AEV drawing to share with the group.
Meeting 13:
Date: 2/7/19
Time: 11:10 pm – 12:30 pm
Location: Hitchcock Hall 224
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The group ran the AEV on the track again to collect more data to make graphs. The group struggled with the MATLAB graphing application and spent almost all of the class time on working on developing their graphs and working out bugs in Aurdino. The group did get a chance to talk about their AEV design in the process however and Jacob came up with the idea of putting rubber bands on the wheels of the AEV to add more traction so the AEV so not fly off the track due to being low weight. The group also realized they would like to design a different part for the motors to be put onto to make the vehicle go faster.
Upcoming Tasks: Jacob will need to find the right size rubber bands for the AEV wheels and do research for how to wrap the rubber bands on the wheels so they go on smoothly, Adam needs to refine his design to make it more lightweight and to make it able to hold the two motors in a way where the motors would be able to move the vehicle further while using less power, Lauren needs to keep updating the website and progress report, and Madison needs to keep updating meeting minutes.
Meeting 14:
Date: 2/10/19
Time: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Location: 18th Avenue Library basement
Attendees: Lauren Kinsey and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: Lauren and Jacob reviewed the progress report guidelines and began working on the progress report. They also discussed what part would be most beneficial to the team to make for the grant proposal and they also began preliminary work on the grant proposal. They also brainstormed questions to ask the TA’s about unclear directions on the progress report to ensure all needed information was included.
Upcoming Tasks: Lauren needs to ask the TA’s the questions her and Jacob brainstormed, Jacob needs to continue to work on the grant proposal slide, Adam needs to keep working on refining the grant proposal AEV design to make it lightweight, and Madison needs to keep updating the meeting minutes and help Jacob with making a convincing pitch for their AEV part. Jacob will also finish setting the scoring system standards.
Meeting 15:
Date: 2/11/19
Time: 10:20 pm – 11:15 pm
Location: Hitchcock Hall 308
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team learned about more about symmetry and dimensioning in lecture and then had time in class to work on APP 11. The team discussed all of the upcoming assignments and decided they needed to meet to finalize their grant proposal, AEV design, progress report, and to update the website.
Upcoming Tasks: Adam will complete the AEV design in SolidWorks and will and sketch it. Jacob, Madison, and Lauren will team up to work on updating meeting minutes, completing the progress report, and completing the grant proposal.
Meeting 16:
Date: 2/11/19
Time: 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Location: Houston Floor 6 Common Room
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team finalized their AEV grant proposal part design and ended up going with a design that will work on balancing the AEV by evenly distributing the mass. The team decided the part they want to make a grant proposal for would be a part that will elevate the motors and centralize them to make the AEV move forward with less effort. The team also made their pitch proposal and completed their progress report.
Upcoming Tasks: Madison needs to updating meeting minutes and reformat the progress report, Lauren needs to continue updating the website and proofreading, Adam needs to finalize his AEV sketch, and Jacob needs to find a set weekly meeting time and location for the team to ensure all can attend for the whole time.
Meeting 17:
Date: 2/13/19
Time: 10:20 am – 11:15 am
Location: Hitchcock Hall 308
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team took their second midterm during class. The team also worked on APP 12 in class. The team stayed after class to discuss who would say that during the grant proposal and to practice running through the grant proposal to be comfortable with the information.
Upcoming Tasks: Madison needs to updating meeting minutes and go to open lab Wednesday to get some progress report questions answered, Lauren needs to proofread the progress report, Jacob needs to proofread and revise the grant proposal pitch slide, and Adam needs to finish any final touches on the AEV deliverables.
Meeting 18:
Date: 2/14/19
Time: 11:10 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Hitchcock Hall 224
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team turned in their progress report one. The team also turned in their grant proposal and presented it. The team also discussed what they would do if they got the grant money or if they did not get the grant money. The team decided they will use the part no matter happens.
Upcoming Tasks: Madison will keep updating the team meeting minutes, Adam will keep revising the AEV design because it was discovered that it was too small so he needs to make it bigger, Lauren will update the website, and Jacob will plan the next team meeting time and location and monitor team progress.
Meeting 19:
Date: 2/18/19
Time: 10:20 am – 11:15 am
Location: Hitchcock Hall 308
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team did Graphics APP 13 in class and then they discussed what they wanted to test for their advanced research and development of their AEV and who would go to what committee meeting on Thursday.
Upcoming Tasks: Madison will keep updating the meeting minutes, Lauren will keep
the website, Jacob will narrow down the advanced research and development ideas into two streamlined ideas, and Adam will do more research on building parts through lazer cutting and 3-D printing to find out which method would work the best and be the most cost effective.
Meeting 20:
Date: 2/20/19
Time: 10:20 am – 11:15 am
Location: Hitchcock Hall 308
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team continued to talk out what they wanted to research for the advanced research and development stage and who would go to what committee meeting.
Upcoming Tasks: Madison needs to keep updating the meeting minutes and needs to prepare for the finance committee meeting, Lauren needs to keep updating the website and prepare for the marketting committee meeting, Adam needs to keep researching rapid prototyping techniques and prepare for the research and development committee meeting, and Jacob needs to keep the team on task and prepare for the Human Resources committee meeting.
Meeting 21:
Date: 2/21/19
Time: 11:10 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Hitchcock Hall 224
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team members all went to their respective committee meetings and then finalized the advanced research and development topics. The team also discussed the cost of printing parts versus using the parts provided.
Upcoming Tasks: Madison needs to keep updating the meeting minutes, Jacob needs to finalize the advanced research and development topics and get it approved by all team members and submit it, Lauren needs to keep updating the website, and Adam needs to finish finalizing the main AEV part.
Meeting 22:
Date: 2/25/19
Time: 10:20 am – 11:15 am
Location: Hitchcock Hall 308
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team members worked on graphics APP 15, discussed potential controls for the experiments, and discussed potential codes for the experiments.
Upcoming Tasks: Madison will keep updating the meeting minutes and experiment with arduino, Lauren will continue updating the website and set up tabs for the experiments, Adam will design more AEV parts if it is determined to be cost-effective, and Jacob will keep planning the team meetings and holding team members accountable through text messages and the schedule.
Meeting 23:
Date: 2/27/19
Time: 10:20 am – 11:15 am
Location: Hitchcock Hall 308
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team took their midterm three today and did not have much time to discuss any topics as a team due to Madison’s extended time, all the same, upcoming tasks hold true.
Upcoming Tasks: Madison needs to updating meeting minutes and go to open lab Wednesday to get some progress report questions answered, Lauren needs to proofread the progress report, Jacob needs to proofread and revise the grant proposal pitch slide, and Adam needs to finish any final touches on the AEV deliverables.
Meeting 24:
Date: 2/28/19
Time: 11:10 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Hitchcock Hall 224
Attendees: Adam Crock, Lauren Kinsey, Madison Weiss, and Jacob Domo
Topics Discussed: The team had their first day of the advanced research and development lab and they tested the power efficiency of different powers.
Upcoming Tasks: Madison needs to distribute the team’s data and update meeting minutes, Adam needs to finalize the AEV part and do a cost analysis of printing parts versus using the pre-printed parts that cost a lot, Lauren needs to update the website and determine what website update two entails, and Jacob needs to assign tasks for progress report two.