Date: 1/10/19
Time: 10:20-11:15am
Members Present: Conner Kindred, Robbie Milner, Riley Moore, Ryley Sexton
Objective: to become familiar with Arduino
- First team meeting
- Ryley, Riley, and Robbie all worked on developing basic programming skills with Arduino guided by the PR&D manual
- As Conner has prior Arduino experience, he built the website for Watts Scientific and each of its respective groups
- Company and Group contact information was collected and methods of communication were established
- Ryley and Conner assigned tasks of team meeting minutes and website update 1 due to availability
Date: 1/15/19
Time: 11:15-12:30
Members Present: Conner and Ryley
Objectives: Start meeting notes, clarify upcoming deadlines
- Conner and Ryley met to complete team meeting minutes and plan further assignments.
- Conner further organized the company web page
- Company agreed on the website layout
- Next scheduled meeting for 1/1/19 as a whole group to complete approach to MCR.
Date: 1/16/19
Time: 4:30-6:00PM
Members Present: Conner, Riley, Robbie, Ryley
Objectives: Finalize team profiles, approach to MCR, and revise meeting notes.
- Team roles were agreed upon and established
- Conner- Programming, Website Development
- Ryley- Group Coordinator, Mechanical Design
- Robbie- Electrical Design, Cost Analysis
- Riley-Programming, Mechanical Design
- Contact information and picture profiles were finalized
- Group approach to MCR:
- Emphasize efficiency as a top priority
- Divide and conquer the tasks at hand
- Minimize expenditures while maintaining high quality standard
- Light, aerodynamic, but durable AEV
- Meet all safety requirements
- Ensure performance without error
- Avoid unnecessary actions/costs
- Next scheduled meeting is 1/17 to complete exercise 2 in lab and determine necessary actions thereafter
Reflection: Complexity of tasks to be handled needs to be more accurately assessed and staying on task should be a bigger priority for the future.
Date: 1/17/19
Time: 11:10AM-12:30PM
Members Present: Conner, Robbie, Riley, Ryley
Objectives: Complete the external sensors exercise, upload responsibility forms, complete TWA
- At the beginning of lab the team broke down tasks such that:
- Robbie was to make sure all parts from the Kit Checklist were accounted for
- Riley was to begin programming
- Conner was to assemble the reference AEV design
- Ryley was to complete the team working agreement and upload the necessary responsibility forms into Carmen
- After he finished with the checklist Robbie helped Riley with programming and they assisted with the AEV construction
- This delegation of tasks made the lab period more productive as they were all completed by the end of lab
- Riley took up the responsibility of taking home the AEV kit
- Next meeting will take place after 1/21 as upcoming tasks can be completed through messaging
Reflection: In the future we might want to alternate group roles to gain a more well rounded experience
Date: 1/31/19
Time: 11:10AM-12:30PM
Members Present: Riley, Conner, Robbie, Ryley
Objectives: App-08 planning, Reflectance Sensor test, Run PR&D exercise 3 programmed code, use the data extraction tool
- As a group the theme of “Fire and Ice” was decided upon and chess pieces were chosen for App-08
- Ryley and Conner reassembled the AEV
- Robbie and Riley worked on the reflectance sensor test and uploading the code
- We were unable to successfully run the code statically or on the track
- Remaining portions of exercise 3 will be completed in Lab 04
- Ryley took home the AEV kit
- Over text it was decided that
- An in person meeting was not possible over the weekend
- Conner would take care of the evolution of design section for Website Update 2 as well as make some visual modifications to the site
- Robbie and Steve would take care of the Progress Report Questions and communicate with the GTA about the incomplete tasks
- Ryley would complete the Meeting Notes/Minutes and remaining Reflectance sensor questions
- Each Individual would complete their AEV design
- Next meeting: 2/7/19