Date: 2/10/19
Time: 7:30-9:30PM
Members Present: Riley, Conner, Ryley
Objectives: Outline the Grant Proposal, Break down tasks for Progress Report
- Ryley and Conner came up with part for Grant Proposal
- Bracket for coaxial motors with contra-rotating propellers
- Steve assigned task of making part in SolidWorks
- Sections of Progress Report 1 broken down for each group member to complete
- Conner and Ryley to meet next day for grant proposal
- Exchange of ideas for proposal and progress report to be maintained through text
Date: 2/11/19
Time: 9:40-11:20PM
Members Present: Conner, Ryley
Objectives: Finish Grant proposal slide, develop script
- Ryley and Conner developed the powerpoint slide for the proposal
- refined some part concepts
- Script for presentation developed
- Next Meeting: 2/14/19 for Presentations
Date: 2/14/19
Time: 11:10-12:30pm
Members Present: All
Objectives: Complete LPQ and Grant Presentations
- The class period was spent on the Lab Proficiency quiz and Grant Proposal Questions
Date: 2/17/19
Time: 9-10:30pm
Members Present: Ryley, Robbie, Riley
Objectives: Plan for Committee meeting, AR&D
- It was decided AR&D 1 would be dedicated to Servo testing
- Due to conflicting instructions further planning was postponed until after Ryley spoke to Professor Busick for clarifications
Date: 2/20/19
Time: 4:30-6pm
Members Present: All
Objectives: Finalize plans for AR&D and Committe Meeting 1
- Robbie and Steve chose the role of R&D, Conner PR, and Ryley HR
- A tentative schedule was established for the AR&D section of the labs
- The group went over the requirements for each role
- Next meeting is 2/21 for the Committee Meetings
Date: 2/21/19
Time: 11:10-12:30pm
Members Present: All
Objectives: Establish AR&D Methodology, Committee Meeting 1
- Each member went to their respective committee meetings
- Results of R&D Meeting: Focus on propellers and motors for AR&D
- Results of PR Meeting: Website overall well designed, could be broken down more for further simplification
- Results of HR: Team is working cohesively, planning ahead, fair division of work
- Received grant for part
Date: 2/24/19
Time: 7-9:00pm
Members Present: All
Objectives: Graphics 15, Discuss upcoming tasks
- Graphics 15 completed as a group
- Steve submitted grant part
- Went over methodology
Date: 2/25/19
Time: 11:10-12:30pm
Members Present: All
Objectives: Complete AR&D 1
- Received grant part but it was incorrectly dimensioned
- Conner and Steve worked on submitting a new part with proper dimensions and laser cut from acrylic
- Robbie worked on code for testing motor configurations
- Ryley assembled the AEV
- Ryley and Robbie conducted the three trials
- Robbie recorded the raw data
- New part was received but not with enough time left to finish
Date: 2/28/19
Time: 11:10-12:30PM
Objectives: AR&D
- Conner assembled AEV
- Code would not run
- Wire broke loose on Arduino, received new board
- There was not enough time left for testing