The following is list of simple function calls and their uses in programming provided by the Preliminary R&D lab manual.
Accelerates or decelerates
motor(s) m from start speed
(%) p1 to end speed (%) p2
over a duration of t seconds
motorSpeed(m,p); Initializes motor(s) m at
percent power p
Runs the motor(s) at their
initialized state for t seconds
Brakes motor(s) m. Note:
This does NOT brake the
AEV, just stops the motors
from spinning
Cuts the power to all motors
reverse(m); Reverses the polarity of
motor(s) m
Continues the previous
command for n marks from
the vehicle’s current position.
n can be positive or
negative, with positive
meaning the vehicle is
moving forward, negative
meaning the vehicle is
moving backward
Continues the previous
command for n marks
relative to the overall starting
position of the AEV