
2/5/2019 – Hitchcock Hall 224 – 6:40 – 7:30 pm – All members attended.

Objective: The team will prepare for upcoming deadlines and discuss code Donghyun had written in previous labs.

Completed Tasks:

  • Donghyun: Sent all previous code to Tyler to post to the website.
  • Tyler: Completed previous updates to meeting minutes and posted previous progress report questions on the website.


  • The team will meet on Sunday, February 10th at 2:30 pm to discuss AEV designs as well as a part for the grant proposal.

Tasks to be Completed:

  • Tyler: Update meeting minutes and upload code to the website.
  • All: Complete individual AEV designs.
  • All: Prepare to test the AEV again and gather data during the next lab meeting.

2/7/2019 – Hitchcock Hall 224 – 11:10 am – 12:30 pm – All members attended.

Objective: The team will gather missing data from the previous lab and analyze the data in MATLAB.

Completed Tasks:

  • All: Gathered data from a successful test run.
  • All: Began to analyze the data in MATLAB.


  • The team will meet on Sunday, February 10th at 2:30 pm to discuss AEV designs as well as a part for the grant proposal.

Tasks to be Completed:

  • Tyler: Update meeting minutes and complete data analysis in MATLAB.
  • Yuqing: Upload individual AEV designs to the website.

2/10/2019 – Hitchcock Hall 316 – 2:30 – 4:30 pm – All members attended.

Objective: The team will complete the grant proposal PowerPoint presentation, create a group AEV design, and discuss the first Progress Report.

Completed Tasks:

  • All: Created a team version of the AEV design.
  • All: Uploaded individual and team AEV designs to the website.
  • All: Created the grant proposal presentation for the brake.


  • The team will construct a brake for the AEV for the grant proposal.
  • The team will meet at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, February 13th to review and finish the first progress report.

Tasks to be Completed:

  • Tyler: Update meeting minutes and upload completed graphs of Time vs. Energy and Distance vs. Energy to the website.
  • Tyler: Complete the Appendices of the progress report by Wednesday.
  • Yuqing: Complete the “Future Work” section of the progress report by Wednesday.
  • Donghyun: Complete the “Report of Progress” section of the progress report by Wednesday.

2/13/2019 – 18th Avenue Library – 5:30 pm – 11:30 pm – All members attended.

Objective: Complete the first progress report.

Completed Task:

  • All: First progress report.

2/14/2019 – Hitchcock Hall 224 – 11:10 am – 12:30 pm – All members attended.

Objective: The team will complete the grant proposal PowerPoint presentation and the lab proficiency quiz.

Completed Tasks:

  • All: Presentation and lab proficiency quiz.

Tasks to be Completed:

  • Tyler: Update meeting minutes.

2/21/2019 – Hitchcock Hall 224 – 11:10 am – 12:30 pm – All members attended.

Objective: The team will complete the committee meetings and create an Experimental Methodology for conducting advanced research.

Completed Tasks:

  • Tyler participated in the Marketing committee meeting.
  • Yuqing participated in the Research and Development committee meeting.
  • Donghyun participated in the Human Resources committee meeting.
  • All: Drafted an experimental methodology for the following weeks.

Tasks to be Completed:

  • Tyler: Update meeting minutes and upload experimental methodology to Carmen.
  • Yuqing: Draft the prototype brake in SolidWorks and bring a completed file to the next lab.

2/28/2019 – Hitchcock Hall 224 – 11:10 am – 12:30 pm – All members attended.

Objective: The team will complete the first portion of the experimental methodology and import the data into MatLab.

Completed Tasks:

  • All: Ran initial test runs of the AEV without using the servo motor as a brake.
  • Yuqing: Finished designing the prototype brake.
  • Donghyun: Write arduino program for first performance test.
  • Tyler: Updated website with methodologies and other meeting notes.

Tasks to be Completed:

  • Yuqing: Send in prototype brake to be 3-D printed.
  • Donghyun: Continue writing code for the servo test and custom brake test.
  • All: Prepare for the next lab.