Meeting 4 (H)

Meeting 4

2/8/19   8:00AM-9:20AM Hitchcock 224

Luke, Louie, Nick, Nathan Present

Lab 4 was a continuation of progress on running the reflectance sensor test, running the AEV on the track, and uploading the data onto excel using the data analysis tool. Once again, little progress was made. This was because of faulty arduino boards. This lab, we went through three different arduino boards. The first arduino board was determined to be ‘shot’ or ‘burnt.’ So we received a new arduino board but those wires ended up coming out. Then we received a new board, which we then used for the reflectance sensor test. The test ended up working, however the AEV only went in one direction, even when the wheel was turned in the opposite direction. This was an indication that the sensors were connected incorrectly.

Upcoming: Correct the reflectance sensor test and run the AEV on the track.


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