Week 1 – 1/11/19
Location: HI 224
Time: 8:00-9:20
Members Present: Pulkit, Bryan, Marty, Hayden
- Created AEV website for teams P and H – Bryan
- Hayden, Pulkit, and Marty downloaded at started coding for the AEV
- Gathered all needed materials stated in instructions
- Everyone gave contact info, started a groupme, created google drive for shared documents
- for better communication and to input ideas when not in a meeting
- Discussed times to meet outside of class
- originally on Monday, later changed to Wednesday at around 3 pm
Upcoming tasks
- Download the programs for the AEV on own computer
- for working on coding outside of class, don’t have to meet at Hitchcock
- Continue instructions to get AEV base working
- will discuss extra features in later meetings