Meeting 17 (P)

Week 10 – 3/29/2019

Location: HI 224

Time: 7:30-8:55

Members Present: Hayden, Marty, Bryan


  • Committee meeting 2
    • Hayden (R&D) – code was touched up to be more compliant with HI 224’s track
      • additional time opportunity 24 advance notice for extra R&D
    • Marty (HR) – everyone gets along well
    • Bryan (PR) – website updates need to be applied
  • Website update notes
    • timeline of AEV, how would you go on with a timeline format?
      • arrow over and have dates, draw conclusions and “because of this we did this change”
      • or separate evolution page with one picture of each prototype
    • change titles of final design to just modifications of grant proposal?
      • yes, don’t exactly have a final design, just a final concept to improve on
    • Other notes:
      • cdr can copy from website cuz website overlaps to everything
      • cite sources (sources page) like pr&d and ohio state directions
      • put descriptions on code page to inform audience what “performance test 1” is
      • like two sentences of comments before each section of code

Upcoming Tasks:

  • Methodology 3 – applying the AEV shell to the chassis
    • will tweak code based on new weight of vehicle
  • Progress Report 3
    • data and analysis of vehicle with shell
    • report on improved movement and connecting to payload

Meeting 20 (H)

3/29/19 8:00AM-9:20AM Hitchcock 224

All members present

The group conducted the second committee meeting. Similar to the last one, Luke was in charge research and development, Nick was in charge of human resources, and Louie was in charge of the website and public relations. The meeting went well for all group members, and the group decided to test the servo motor for advanced R&D 3.

Upcoming: Advanced R&D 3 and Progress Report 3

Meeting 19 (H)

Meeting 19

3/28/19 7:30PM-9:30PM Thompson Library

All members present

During this meeting the group primarily worked on the Critical Design Review Draft. The Critical Design Review is a lab report that pretty much outlines the entire AEV project development process. Nick worked on the introduction, experimental methodology, and appendix. Louie completed the abstract and meeting notes for the CDR. Luke completed the results and discussion portions of the CDR, while also adding to the appendix. Finally, Nathan finished the conclusion and also added to the appendix.

Upcoming: CDR Draft due and Committee Meeting 2

Meeting 18 (H)

Meeting 18

3/27/19 8:00AM-8:55AM Hitchcock 308

Louie, Nick, Nathan Present

During this meeting the AEV ran differently than during the past meetings. Time after time, the AEV fell short of the sensor on the gate. This could be due to the added weight of the metal bar placed at the front of the AEV, which would connect to the caboose. The group decided to increase the amount of marks the AEV would initially run for. That way, the AEV would make it the gate sensor. After multiple trials, the group received steady results. It was also decided to decrease the amount of time the AEV reversed after proceeding through the gate. This would ensure that the AEV would travel far enough to make a connection with caboose. Finally, performance test 2 was completed.

Upcoming: Committee Meeting 2


Meeting 17 (H)

Meeting 17

3/25/19 8:00AM-8:55Am Hitchcock 308

Luke, Louie, Nick, Nathan Present

The code for performance test 2 needed to be uploaded to the AEV and tested. Nick typed up the code on his computer and then the group tested the AEV on the track. After two successful tries, the AEV failed to reach the sensors on the next two trials. It was assumed that the battery was running low on power. Therefore, it would needed to be tested again during the next meeting.

Upcoming: Perform Performance Test 2

Meeting 16 (H)

Meeting 16

3/22/19 8:00AM-9:20AM Hitchcock 224

Luke, Louie, Nick, Nathan Present

This meeting consisted of performing the first oral presentation of the group’s AEV. The presentation was about 6 to 8 minutes long. Nick started with the presentation by introducing all the members and their roles, the initial problem of the design for Smart City Columbus, and our plan to accomplish this problem. Luke explained about the how the research of the propellers was conducted and the results from the research. Louie explained the research of the weight distribution and talked about the final design of the group’s AEV. Nathan finished off the presentation with a conclusion and recommendations for the AEV.

Upcoming: Prepare for performance test 2.


Meeting 14.5 (P)

Week 9 – 3/22/2019

Location: HI 224

Time: 8:00-8:55

Members Present: All


  • Presented the teams progress to the board
    • Main problems: battery testing and efficiency, speed testing
    • AEV design modified hea
  • Learned about track dust

Upcoming Tasks

  • PT2 next Wednesday

Meeting 16 (P)

Week 10 – 3/27/2019

Location: HI 308

Time: 7:30-8:55

Members Present: All


  • Early to class to work on PT2
  • Added magnet to AEV
  • Worked on PT2 entire class
  • Performed PT3 at 8:30 – worked perfectly

Upcoming Tasks:

  • Committee Meeting 2 on Friday
    • Same roles as last committee meeting
  • CDR draft due Friday – leave blank space where uncompleted items are (PT3)

Meeting 15 (P)

Week 10 – 3/25/2019

Location: HI 308

Time: 8:00-8:55

Members Present: All


  • There was an exam the first half of class – loss of lab time
  • Started PT2 trials

Upcoming Tasks

  • PT2
  • Meet early next class to keep trials going for PT2

Meeting 14 (P)

Week 9 – 3/20/2019

Location: HI 308

Time: 8:00-8:55

Members Present: All


  • Performed Performance test 1
  • Tried out canoe design

Upcoming Tasks

  • Redesign canoe
    • Cut one side off
    • Hollow inside out
    • Hole for upload cord