Overall Mission Goal
The goal of our team is to build the best possible AEV while keeping our design within all existing criteria, specified on the criteria page. We want to maximize efficiency while minimizing cost in order to provide the residential city of Linden more efficient access to the Commercial Districts.
Approach to Accomplish Goal
Our division’s approach to this project is to divide up the work between members in order to complete the tasks. We will have weekly meetings on Sundays and show up ready to check over our work and collaborate on ideas. Communication between group members will be through the Groupme group chat. In order to build the best possible AEV, we will use the engineering design process to define the problem, draw out possible solutions, choose the best features from each design, and combine into the best possible option. Our main focus will be to better the movability of the AEV so that it will travel fast and smooth by using a newly designed gear system. After we have created our vehicle and updated movement system using gears, we will test and evaluate its performance in terms of power output and distance traveled over time and make modifications as necessary to improve the AEV’s quality.