Team Working Agreement

Ohio State Engineering

First-Year Engineering

Team-Working Agreement


Team Working Agreement

Spring 2019


  1. Group Information

Lab Section #: 9529

Table: I

Professor: William Cohen

GTA: Sheng Zhu

  1. Contact Information

Expected Response Time: Within 24 hours

Ryan Burrows –

Alec Glenwright –

Vincent Bello –

Mitchell Mullholand –

  1. Team Goal

As a group we want to succeed while enjoying ourselves. We want everyone to pull their weight, contribute equally to the project, and get the best grade we can.

  1. Meetings

Frequency: Weekly or as needed.

Primary Meeting Time: Friday 9:35am in Hitchcock 224.

Secondary Meeting Time: Will be decided.

Agenda: Ryan Burrows

Reminders: Mitchell Mullholand

Minutes: Ryan Burrows

  1. General Team Member Expectations

Attendance: At least one person from the pair of roommates should be in attendance.

Behavior: Respectful and participatory.

Acceptable Interactions: Project focused that further the discussion or the project.

Unacceptable Interactions: Being disrespectful.

Preparation: All work should be done before its due with ample time for it to be uploaded to the website.

Sharing Documents: BuckeyeBox.

Due Dates: Work should be done 2 days before deadline.

Struggles: Notify group immediately.

  1. Individual Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines

Ryan Burrows – President of Documentation. In charge of taking meeting minutes and maintaining the website.

Vincent Bello – President of Coding Operations. Codes Arduino and uploads programs to the Arduino.

Alec Glenwright – Helps out where needed, in charge of data collection and compiling, and in charge of looking ahead to answer progress report questions.

Mitchell Mullholand – Solidworks Manager. Takes lead on the creation of AEV 3-D parts.

  1. Conflict Resolution

We will hold each other accountable for their work. If there are small issues within the group, we can fix them amongst ourselves. If it becomes a reoccurring issue and intercommunication is not effective, the UTA’s/GTA’s/Instructor will be involved.

  1. Expectations of Faculty and GTA’s

If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment. Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve issues.

  1. Team Signatures

Ryan Burrows

Alec Glenwright

Vincent Bello

Mitchell Mullholand