Preliminary R&D

Preliminary R&D Activity 1 (Arduino and Motors)

As part of the first research and development activity, sample code blocks were fed into the Arduino using the Arduino function glossary. This allowed for familiarity with coding in the Arduino as well as how to accomplish actions critical to the success of the AEV (run motors, reverse motors, brake motors, and running motors one at a time).

Preliminary R&D Activity 2 (Reflectance Sensors)

The second day of R&D consisted of using the coding skills from the first day to test the reflectance sensors. These sensors coupled with one of the AEV track wheels having reflectant tape will tell the Arduino where the AEV is. Every time the wheel turns, the tape passes past the sensors and each transition (tape to non-tape and non-tape to tape) is recorded.  With 8 marks (transitions) per full rotation of the wheel, and using the circumference of the wheel, it is known that 1 mark is equivalent to 0.4875 in. Knowing this conversion and having something that can record distance allows the Arduino to know where the AEV is and allows code to reference distances. For example, the AEV can now be programmed to go 1 foot forward, stop, and then go 2 feet forward. With knowledge of the course dimensions, the AEV could be accurately coded to meet the action requirements.

Reflectance Sensors on Reference AEV

Preliminary R&D Activity 3 (Data Extraction Tools)

The third day of R&D tested the whole reference AEV in order to get used to using the data extraction tools. These tools are important as they allow for the review of the power used and distance traveled. After the reflectance sensors were tested in order to make sure they still work, the AEV was assembled and put on the track to run.

Reference AEV on track getting ready to run


Once the AEV was finished, the data extraction tool could be used to get and convert the raw data into meaningful data. Once in a useful form, the data was graphed to help visualize the data.

Graph of the Power Used by the AEV to Execute the Arduino Code

Graph of the Power Used by the AEV to Execute the Arduino Code in Relation with the Distance Traveled

The valley in the center of the graph is where the AEV reverses its motors. Some important things to note is how going backwards uses more power then going forwards and how getting the AEV started uses a lot of power even though it barely moves during that time period at all.