Team Meeting Notes


Meeting #1:

Date: January 11, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Matt, Nick, Brad

Time: 9:35-10:55

Topics Discussed: AEV Lab Week 01, Website Creation, Arduino Introduction


Objective: Introduce Bevis Devise Inc. to the AEV Design Project. Subdivisions of Bevis Devise Inc. are to collaborate with one another to create a company website. Team B will work on a programming assignment that will introduce them to the Arduino programming language.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Collaborate with the other subdivisions of Bevis Devise Inc. to create the company website.


Assigned: Michael and Brad


  • Complete the Arduino programming assignment.

Assigned: Michael, Brad, Matt, and Nick



  • Chose time for next meeting (Wednesday January 16, 2019 at 5:15 p.m.)



  • Assign group roles to improve time management for group meetings.


  • Discuss website format with other company subdivisions.


Meeting #2:

Date: January 15, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Nick, Matt

Time: 9:10 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Website Format


Objective: Discuss formatting for the company website with the other Bevis Devise Inc. subdivisions.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Assign one member from each subdivision that will communicate with the other groups to ensure that each group is aware of how the website will be formatted to ensure consistency.



  • Michael will communicate with the other subdivisions to ensure the formatting of the website is consistent among all groups.


  • Group B will still plan on meeting Wednesday January 16, 2019 at 5:15 p.m.



  • Set-up group chat to improve team communication.


Meeting #3:

Date: January 16, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 5:15 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Topics Discussed: Website Formatting, Website Update 1


Objectives: Team B will further discuss the formatting of the company website. The group will also work on Website Update 1 essentials such as the meeting minutes and the MCR mission statement.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Set-up Team B’s section of the website and create all of the required menus.


  • Start writing the team meeting minutes and determine who will be in charge of the meeting minutes going forward.


  • Complete the MCR mission statement.



  • Nick and Brad will format the website and create the required menus.


  • Michael will write the meeting minutes for Website Update 1 and will be in charge of the meeting minutes going forward.


  • Matt will complete the MCR mission statement.



  • Continue to communicate with the other Bevis Devise Inc. subdivisions to ensure that the formatting of the website is consistent.


Meeting #4

Date: January 18, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt Nick

Time: 9:35 a.m. 10:55 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Preliminary R&D Lab 2


Objectives: Team B will become familiar with the AEV design kit that will be provided during the lab. A group member will be placed in charge of the design kit and will keep it in storage during times when it is not needed for group meetings/research. A sample AEV design model will be built and a reflectance sensor test will be conducted.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Ensure that all parts of the AEV design kit are present as soon as the kit is given to Team B.


  • Construct the sample AEV design so that a reflectance sensor test can be performed.


  • Write Arduino code as outlined in the lab activity for Preliminary R&D Labs Exercise 2.



  • Nick will be held responsible for the AEV design kit during times at which the group is not meeting.


  • The sample AEV design was only completed to a point at which a reflectance sensor test could be completed. The rest of the design will have to be completed at a later date.



  • The sample AEV design will need to be completed at a later date.


  • Team B will prepare for Preliminary R&D Lab 3 to that each member is ready and aware of what tasks lie ahead.


Meeting #5

Date: February 1, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 9:35 a.m. – 10:55 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Preliminary R&D Lab 3


Objectives: Team B will obtain the Design Analysis Tool off of the AEV Documents page on Carmen. Given a scenario provided in the Preliminary R&D Lab Manual, the AEV will be programmed to undergo a certain scenario. Using the newly created Arduino program, Team B will use the MATLAB Data Extraction Program to extract the data from the AEV into an excel file. Using the data collected, a plot of power vs. time and power vs. distance will be created within MATLAB.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Obtain and become familiar with the MATLAB Data Extraction Program


  • Create Arduino program as outlined in the lab procedure. This program will be uploaded into the MATLAB Data Extraction Program and will be used to obtain the necessary plots of power vs. time and power vs. distance.


  • Due to a misunderstanding of directions, the sample AEV model was not fully constructed prior to the start of lab. Team B will need to finish building the model in order to carry out the lab procedure.



  • Due to the AEV model not being fully constructed, Team B was unable to collect the necessary data. Team B will have to meet at a later data to finish the lab 3 procedure. At a later data, tasks that must be completed for website update 3 will also be divided among group members.
  • Michael will download the MATLAB Data Extraction Program onto his computer and will be responsible for using the program during lab.
  • Team B will meet on Wednesday, February 6th, 2019 to finalize the lab 3 procedure and prepare for website update 3.
  • Due to Nick having class immediately after lab, Michael will be held responsible for the AEV design kit.




  • Team B should take time before Preliminary R&D Lab 4 to further familiarize themselves with the MATLAB Data Extraction Program.


  • Individual AEV designs will need to be created prior to Preliminary R&D Lab 4. These designs along with the battery holder designs will need to be included in website update 3.


Meeting #6

Date:  February 6th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Nick, Brad, Matt

Time: 5:10 p.m. – 6:10 p.m.

Topics Discussed: Website Update 2


Objectives: Team B will divide up work that is necessary to complete Website Update 2. Finalizations will be made for the procedure of Preliminary R&D Lab 3. Arduino code will be uploaded to group website.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Review Website Update rubric to familiarize all Team B members with the assignment expectations.


  • Divide up work that is necessary to complete Website Update 2.



  • Michael will be take a picture of the reflectance sensors and upload it to the website. He will then describe the function of the reflectance sensors and their role in completing the MCR.


  • All group members will be responsible for conducting research that will be used to influence the AEV design. This research along with the resources from which it was gathered will be inserted into the company website for Website Update 2.


  • Each group member will upload a photo of their individual battery holder design and AEV design to the company website. Team B will then decide on a decide on a design for both the battery holder and the AEV that will be used going forward.


  • Nick will upload commented Arduino codes into its respective section on the company website.


  • Matt will create the evolution of design section that will feature both the individual AEV designs and research.


  • Placeholder plots of energy vs. time and energy vs. distance will be inserted into the company website. Using the Arduino code created during Preliminary R&D Lab 3, these figures will then be explained in relation to the written code. Since these will only be placeholder plots, the provided graphs may not necessarily represent the movement of the AEV as described by the Arduino code.



  • Team B will communicate via GroupMe about each individual members’ progress towards Website Update 2.


  • If necessary, a meeting will be held on Thursday, February 7th, 2019 to review and finalize Website Update 2.


Meeting #7

Date: February 8th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 9:35 – 10:55 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Preliminary R&D Lab 4


Objectives: Complete any necessary tasks leftover from Preliminary R&D Lab 3. A trial run of the sample AEV will be performed. Data from the trial run will be placed onto a graph by the Performance Analysis Tool. The individual designs created for the AEV will be discussed in the attempt to reach a final design.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • A trial run of the AEV will be performed to test the performance of the motors.


  • Plots of power vs. time and power vs. distance will be created using data from the trial run.


  • Individual AEV designs will be analyzed. A table will be created and used to determine the pros and cons of each AEV design. This table will aid in creating a final design for the AEV.



  • During discussions of the AEV design, Team B decided that a T-Shape with greater width would be beneficial in giving the magnet more room to attach to the AEV. This would allow for the energy output of the motors to be reduced.


  • A shell will be created for the AEV to reduce the aerodynamic force acting on the vehicle. The shell will have a shape similar to that of an airplane.


  • Due to time constraints, the table analyzing the AEV designs was unable to be created. This table will be created at a later date.



  • Team B will need to meet and distribute work required for the Grant Proposal and Progress Report 1.


  • Further discussions regarding the final design of the AEV will need to take place.


Meeting #8

Date: Monday, February 11th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 5:15 – 6:30 p.m.

Topics Discussed: Final AEV Design, Grant Proposal, Progress Report 1


Objectives: Work required for the Grant Proposal and Progress Report 1 will be distributed among members of Team B so that work on these assignments can begin. The final AEV design will be further discussed. Parts that will be presented during the Grant Proposal Presentation will be determined.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Begin work on the Grant Proposal and Progress Report 1.


  • Finalize the AEV design and determine custom parts that will be needed for this design.


  • Further discuss the final design of the AEV.



  • The L-Shape Arm will be rotated 90 degrees clockwise in the final design of the AEV. This transformation is in reference to the sample AEV design. This change will take place to minimize the aerodynamic force acting on the vehicle.


  • Matt and Nick will be responsible for completing all documentation required for Progress Report 1.


  • Brad and Michael will be responsible for creating a sketch of the final AEV Design, performing all necessary work for the Grant Proposal, and creating custom parts for the final AEV design in SolidWorks.



  • Members of Group B will individually work on their assigned tasks for Progress Report 1 and the Grant Proposal.


  • A meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 to review completed work and decide how to progress with assignments.


Meeting #9

Date: Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 5:15 – 6:20 p.m.

Topics Discussed: AEV Concept Chart, SolidWorks Designs, Grant Proposal, Progress Report 1


Objectives: Team B will finalize Progress Report 1. The concept chart for the individual AEV designs will be completed so a design for the final AEV can be determined. A sketch of the final design will be created and creation of custom parts in SolidWorks will begin.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Work on Progress Report 1 will be finished.


  • SolidWorks designs for custom parts will be created.


  • Concept chart for individual AEV designs will be created.



  • All group members will individually review Progress Report 1 to check for any errors. While doing this revision, the rubric will be taken into account to determine if any necessary sections are missing from the documentation.


  • Michael will need to complete a slide that will be shown during the Grant Proposal Presentation. A SolidWorks design for the AEV shell will also need to be created.



  • Members of Team B will communicate via GroupMe group chat to ensure that final preparations for the completion of the Grant Proposal and Progress Report 1 are proceeding as planned. Final work required for the completion of these two assignments will be completed individually.


Meeting #10

Date: Friday, February 15th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 9:35 – 10:55 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Grant Proposal Presentation


Objectives: Michael will present custom T-Shape and AEV Shell parts in an attempt to earn a grant that will provide extra funding for the AEV project.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Give grant proposal presentation and listen to presentations from other groups/companies.


  • Vote on preferred teams to receive extra funding.



  • Team B will communicate throughout the following week in regards to what steps need to be taken to prepare for Committee Meeting 1.



  • Team B was unfortunately unable to secure extra funding to create custom AEV parts. The cost of these parts will have to be taken into account when discussions begin on how to make the vehicle as cost efficient as possible.


Meeting #11

Date: Friday, February 22nd, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Matt, Brad, Nick

Time: 9:35 – 10:55 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Committed Meeting/Advanced Research and Development


Objectives: Each member from Group B will meet with representatives from the Smart City Grant Staff to discuss various aspects of the group’s progress towards completing the project. Michael will be in charge of discussing Research and Development, Brad will discuss Public Relations, Matt will discuss HR, and Nick will discuss the budget. The group will start the Advanced Research and Development process.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Present what progress the group has made in the project thus far through the committee meaning. These meetings will also be used to determine how the group should progress with their work for the remainder of the project.


  • Meet with other groups within Bevis Devise Inc. to determine what topics will be researched throughout the advanced research and development process.



  • Team B will research steps that could be taken to produce a more efficient battery holder for the AEV. The group will also research track variance testing by determining ways in which the Arduino can be programmed to ensure that it comes to a stop as quickly as possible while using relatively small amounts of energy.



  • Team B should prepare for the upcoming Advanced Research and Development labs to ensure that the group’s research can move along as quickly and as efficiently as possible.


Meeting #12

Date: Thursday, February 28th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 9:10 – 10:05 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Advanced R&D 1


Objectives: Group B will discuss ways in which a more viable battery holder will be created. Then, using these ideas, a concept screening chart will be created to determine and help visualize which battery holders are most efficient.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • The group will discuss ways in which the battery holder can be improved that may help reduce the mass of the vehicle, which will in turn allow for less energy to be needed to power the vehicle.


  • After brainstorming for battery holder ideas has been completed, a concept screening chart will be created. Michael and Brad will be responsible for creating these charts.



  • Three different designs for a battery holder will be tested. These include the sample battery holder, and attaching the battery to the vehicle through the use of both zip-ties and rubber bands.


  • These items will be acquired prior to the start of the next lab.



  • With the first performance test approaching, the team should soon begin to prepare for the test to ensure success.


Meeting #13

Date: Friday, March 1st, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 9:35 – 10:55 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Advanced R&D 1


Objectives: The team will continue to research ways in which an efficient battery holder can be created. A concept scoring chart of these ideas will be created by the end of lab.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Create a concept scoring chart of ideas for a potential battery holder.


  • Test proposed battery holder design on the track.


  • Begin preparing code for performance test 1.



  • The battery holder will be attached to the AEV through the use of rubber bands. This battery holder has an extremely low mass and is very simple in design.



  • The team should further begin preparations for the first performance test.


  • Arduino code should be prepared for Advanced R&D 2. The team should refamiliarize themselves with the MatLab performance analysis tool.


Meeting #14

Date: Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 9:10 – 10:05 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Advanced R&D 2


Objectives: The group will begin track variance testing by testing various Arduino codes written. These codes all use different methods for braking the vehicle. Power vs. time plots will be generated using data collected from runs of each program. Then, using these plots, the group will determine which braking method results in the vehicle coming to a stop quickly while also using low amounts of power.


To-Do/Action Items:


  • Various runs of the AEV will be performed. Using data collected from these runs, power vs. time plots will be generated using the MatLab performance analysis tool.



  • The group will finish Advanced R&D 2 on the coming Thursday. Only one more run of the AEV will need to be completed to collect all necessary data.


  • The group will need to meet sometime during the week to perform corrections on Progress Report 1 and resubmit the document.



  • The team is making good progress towards completing the first performance test.


Meeting #15

Date: Wednesday, March 6th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 5:15 – 6:00 p.m.

Topics Discussed: Progress Report 1 Resubmission


Objectives: The group will perform corrections on and resubmit Progress Report 1 to be regraded.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Review the Progress Report 1 rubric and comments made on the graded document. Using these comments, corrections will be made to the document. Progress Report 1 will then be submitted again so that it can be regraded.



  • Each group member should review the rubric to ensure that the maximum amount of points can be received for the document.



  • Further preparations should be made for performance test 1. The group should also ensure other groups within Bevis Devise Inc. are making progress towards completing the first performance test to ensure that the maximum amount of points are received for the assignment.


Meeting #16

Date: Thursday, March 7th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 9:10 – 10:05 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Advanced R&D 2/ Performance Test 1


Objectives: One final run of the AEV will be performed such that data can be collected to complete the Advanced Research and Development process. The team will then continue to prepare for the first performance test.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Continue testing braking methods for the AEV.


  • Test Arduino code that will be used during the first performance test.



  • With deadlines for Progress Report 2 and Website Update 3 quickly approaching, the team should delegate their time between working on these assignments as well as the first performance test. Brad and Michael will work on the Website Update and Progress Report respectively, while Matt and Nick continue testing the Arduino code.



  • The team is well prepared for the first performance test.


  • The group should check in with the rest of Bevis Devise Inc. to ensure other groups are making steady progress towards successfully completing the first performance test.


Meeting #16

Date: Friday, March 8th, 2019

Members Present: Michael, Brad, Matt, Nick

Time: 9:35 – 10:55 a.m.

Topics Discussed: Performance Test 1


Objectives: The team will make final preparations for and complete performance test 1. Once this task has been completed, the group will start working towards completing performance test 2 and ensure other groups are on schedule to successfully complete the first performance test. Michael will work towards completing Website Update 3.


To-Do/Action Items:

  • Work towards completing Website Update 3.


  • Complete the first performance test and use leftover time to begin working towards completing the second performance test.



  • The group will need to communicate over spring break to continue working on Website Update 3 and Progress Report 2 to ensure that these assignments are completed on time.



  • The team is well prepared to complete the rest of the project. Code has already been developed that will allow for the team’s vehicle to successfully complete the second performance test.