Design Process

The approach that Team B will take in order to ensure success for the MCR project is to handle every aspect of the project in parts. Instead of coding the entire movement of the AEV, Team B will create segments of the entire code that will be combined later. The first segment will be the approach of the AEV to the gate. The second segment will be stopping at the gate, pausing for seven seconds, then continuing through the gate. The third segment will be stopping at the designated load and properly connecting. The fourth segment will be reversing the engines, heading back to the gate. The fifth segment will be pausing at the gate once again, waiting for it to open, and going through. The final segment will be to stop at the starting dock without disconnecting the hitch.

The path which the AEV was programmed to follow can be seen in the above plots. In the power vs. time plot, it can be seen that the power constantly increases for about 2 seconds and then remains constant for the following two seconds. This relationship is supported by the Arduino code written, as the program told the AEV to undergo exactly that specific motion. Furthermore, in the power vs. distance plot, the power remains constant with respect to distance up until the point at which the direction of the AEV’s motion changes. It is at this point that there is a significant change in the power output of the AEV.