Team Meeting Notes

Date: 11 – Jan – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Matthew Fortner (MF), Megan McCarthy (MM), Lindsey Shimoda (LS) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Lab 01 Scenario


Today’s focus was to set up and discuss how to organize the website, and work on an introduction program to become familiar with arduino software.

To do/Action Items: site – (LS)

-Intro to arduino nano coding -(MF MM MS)


-No decisions were made from this meeting


-We did not have time to test everyone’s code

-The website took longer to set up than was originally planned

-A better time management will be used to ensure that we can test all of the code that we need to for that day


Date: 18 – Jan – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Matthew Fortner (MF),  Lindsey Shimoda (LS) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Lab 02 Scenario, Equipment


Today’s focus was to make sure that all pieces of equipment are in the kit provided and check to make sure the reflective sensors are working properly

To do/Action Items:

-Check to make sure all equipment is accounted for

-Put the arduino board/reflective sensors together

-Make sure the reflective sensors are working


We will finish what we did not complete in lab during the following week.


We need to come more prepared and start working as soon as we get to class because we ran out of time to complete the assigned task during class.

Date: 31 – Jan – 2019

Time: 5:30 pm- 6:30 pm

Location: Drackett Tower

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Building the AEV


Today’s focus was to finish the work needed to be done from Lab 2 and to make sure the team is prepared for Lab 3.

To do/Action Items:

-Team meeting notes, set up website for Lab 3, Team Working Agreement – (LS)

-Build AEV (MS)


-No decisions were made from this meeting


-Each member finished what they had been tasked to do, while being able to communicate for the other member’s opinion.


Date: 2 – Feb – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Matthew Fortner (MF), Lindsey Shimoda (LS) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Lab 03, Data Extraction Tool


Use the Data Extraction tool and see the graphs that come from the practice code used.

To do/Action Items:

-Run the code for lab 3 (MS, MF, LS)

-Graphs gained from this lab onto the website (LS)



-No decisions were made at this meeting


-The team did better at staying on top of things and getting our work done compared to how late we were for lab 2

-We need to assign each a role and something to do during the lab to make our time even more efficient

Date: 8 – Feb – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Lab 04, comparing individual AEV designs


Complete lab 3 test with new data analysis tool and to compare individual AEV designs.

To do/Action Items:

-Recollect data collection from lab 3 (MS, LS)

-Upload the individual AEV designs to the website (LS)

-Compare the AEV designs


-Will compare our AEV designs next Wednesday night

-(LS) will work on the progress report and finish by Wednesday of next week

-(MS and MF) will work on the grant proposal and have it finished by Wednesday of next week


-We did not get done with all of the to-do items, but we worked efficiently and obtained the data needed to complete the website update.

-It is harder to complete all of our tasks with only two people present during the lab, but we made it work since the issue was out of our control.

Date: 13 – Feb – 2019

Time: 6:30 pm – 8:45 pm

Location: Drackett Tower

Members Present: Matthew Fortner (MF), Lindsey Shimoda (LS) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Lab 04, comparing individual AEV designs, Progress Report, Grant proposal


Complete assignments due for lab 5.

To do/Action Items:

-Read over Progress Report completed before meeting (ALL)

-Work on the Grant Proposal (ALL)

-Compare AEV designs (ALL)


-Complete Grant proposal by 6:00pm on the 13th (MS)

-Complete the Solidworks drawing for the grant proposal before 6:00 om on the 13th (MF)

-Review and edit Progress Report 1 by 10:00 pm on the 13th and submit (ALL)


-The team worked well and completed the most of our to-do list

-Should aim to space the work we need to get done by lab more evenly throughout the week

Date: 15 – Feb – 2019

Time: 10:30 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Committee meeting 1


Prepare and organize the information for the committee meeting next week

To do/Action Items:

-Decide who will be a representative of which committee

-Organize the information needed to be successful in each meeting


-(LS) will represent Human Resources

-(MS) will represent Research and Development

-(MF) will represent Public Relations


-It is easier to decide which committee each person should be if everyone is present

-Need to communicate better when a team member will not be present so that other members can cover for that person

Date: 22 – Feb – 2019

Time: 10:00 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Committee meeting 1, Topics for the Advanced R&D


Attend all four committee meetings and discuss which topics will research for the upcoming labs.

To do/Action Items:

-Go to all 4 committee meetings

-Decide topics to research

-Prepare for the next lab

-Update website according to suggestions


-Research Reflectance Sensor Testing

-Research Track Variance Testing


-More aware of the budget and costs of the AEV project

-Committee meetings were very helpful and the team feels good about moving forward and what the expectations are

Date: 28 – Feb – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Reflectance Sensor testing and Preparing for Lab 8


Complete the methodology for Advanced R&D 1 and prepare for the upcoming lab

To do/Action Items:

-Decide on what will be tested for the Reflectance Sensor testing (ALL)

-Complete the Committee Meeting Reflection (MF,MS)

-Collect data for the Reflectance Sensor Testing (ALL)


-Well test two different ways that the reflectance sensor could be improved

-Will write the 2nd methodology during lab 8 and test the reflectance sensor after


-We came to the meeting well prepared and were able to discuss the different ways we could approach the topics in the upcoming labs

Date: 1 – Mar – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Advanced R&D 1, Methodology for Lab 9


Complete the reflectance sensor test

To do/Action Items:

-collect data for the reflectance sensor test


-Will do the methodology for the next test over the weekend


-The team worked well and developed a way to work the most efficiently as we collect the data from methodology 1

Date: 3 – Mar – 2019

Time: 11:30 am -1:00 pm

Location: Drackett Lobby

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Advanced R&D 1, Methodology for Lab 9


Complete the second methodology

To do/Action Items:

-write the methodology that will be tested during lab 9

-Build our AEV

-Put the data from methodology 1 into the lab sheet


-Will test the effect the voltage has on the distance coasted during the next lab


-The tighter the wheel is the better percent error for the number of marks missed

-The quality of the tape has an effect on the accuracy of the data

Date: 5- Mar – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Voltage Testing


Complete the methodology for Advanced R&D 2 and record all of the data

To do/Action Items:

-Complete Voltage Testing

-Record all of the data from the arduino

-Begin making the code for the AEV for the final test


-Going 10% for two seconds does not move the AEV so we have increased the voltage our AEV goes to as well as the length in time for our methodology


-We did not have time to finish the entire Voltage test

Date:  7-Mar – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Voltage Testing and first performance test


Complete the methodology for Advanced R&D 2 and record all of the data and begin working on the first performance test

To do/Action Items:

-Complete Voltage Testing

-Record all of the data from the arduino

-Begin making the code for the AEV for the performance test


-Will continue the performance test tomorrow

-Will work on the 2nd progress report over spring break

-Will update the website over spring break


-The performance test includes many trials to compensate for unexpected errors

-The two methodologies that we tested proved that the reflectance sensors are not as accurate so we will use the motor command for the AEV and not goToAbsolutePosition

Date: 3 – Mar – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Matthew Fortner (MF), Lindsey Shimoda (LS) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Performance Test 1


Have our AEV go to the gate and stop within the sensors, wait for 7 seconds then proceed through the gate.

To do/Action Items:

-Complete the 1st performance test

-Discuss Oral Presentation

-Discuss the upcoming progress report


-We will make the code smarter for the AEV over break to make up for being to short of the sensor


-There are many factors that influence the spot that the AEV goes to.

-It is hard to get the AEV within the sensor without a better code

-Team worked well, but the performance test one took longer than expected

Date:  19-Mar – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: First performance test


Complete the performance test 1.

To do/Action Items:

-Test the AEV on the track

-Get a TA to check the performance test


-Will finish the slides for the oral presentation tonight


-A code that helps prevent the AEV from falling too short of the sensor would be very helpful

Date: 22 – Mar – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Performance Test 2


Complete the performance test 2 by the next class period

To do/Action Items:

-Complete the performance test 2

-Assign roles for the Committee Meeting 2

-Look ahead at what is needed for CDR Draft


-(LS) will represent Human Resources

-(MS) will represent Research and Development

-(MF) will represent Public Relations


-The arduino will be too close to the magnet so we have to flip the arduino board and the battery so the battery will be next to the magnet and the arduino will be as far from the magnet as possible.

Date:  26-Mar – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Second performance test


Complete the performance test 2.

To do/Action Items:

-reconfigure the AEV so the propellers are flipped and the arduino is in the back of the AEV

-Test code so that it completes performance test 2


-Will finish the CDR draft by tomorrow morning to review and prepare it by next lab


-We should have saved time and rebuilt the AEV before coming to lab

Date:  28-Mar – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Second performance test and Committee Meeting


Complete the performance test 2 and attend the committee meetings

To do/Action Items:

-Test code so that it completes performance test 2

-Attend all 4 committee meetings


-Will finish the 3rd Advanced Research and Development by tomorrow morning


-The performance test passed, but it was stressful because it fell too short so the magnet didn’t connect to the caboose. Fortunately, the code made up for it and inched forward so that it connected.

Date: 22 – Mar – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Advanced R&D 3


Complete the Advanced R&D test

To do/Action Items:

-Complete the code so that the AEV completes it’s mission

-Upload the data from one complete run

-Begin to change the design to minimize the energy usage


-Will complete the mission at the beginning of the next lab

-Will gather data throughout the rest of the next lab lab


-Took longer than expected to write the code going back with the caboose.

-Have to have lot of power to stop the momentum of the AEV and the caboose before the gate.

Date:  2-Apr – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: 3rd Advance R&D


Complete Advanced R&D 3.

To do/Action Items:

-Get the AEV to run the entire mission

-Collect the Energy usage from 2 runs

-Change the code so that it uses less energy than the original code


-Will have the AEV coast more at the end because the momentum is greater with the caboose when going down the incline


-Did not have time to have multiple trials of each data, but we do not expect this to affect the data

Date:  4-Apr – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: 3rd Advance R&D


Complete Advanced R&D 3.

To do/Action Items:

-Collect the results from the R&D 3 and put into graphs

-Start refining the AEV design


-Will only have 1 trial per run to save time and it does not matter because the team is looking for large changes in the energy usage


-Will finish refining the AEV during the next lab

-Will finish the 3rd progress report and presentation this Sunday

Date: 5 – Apr – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Adv R&D 3


Complete the advanced R&D 3 test and fine tune the AEV for the final performance test

To do/Action Items:

-Put the data from the Advance R&D into graphs for the progress report

-Figure out why the AEV is traveling differently than in the tests on Thursday of this week


-Will finish the progress report 3 Sunday morning

-Will complete the presentation slide on Sunday


-Do not know what is the main cause for the AEV going slower than on Thursday

-Worked efficiently to finish all of the work before the final performance test

Date:  9-Apr – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Final Performance Test


Complete the Final Performance Test

To do/Action Items:

-Test the AEV to make sure it will work on the track
-Run the AEV on for a TA


-Will get a new propeller because one kept flying off during the runs

-Will finish the final performance tests in the next lab


-Still need to fine tune the code so that it works in both lab rooms.

-The AEV does not run the same way even if there is no change in the code.

-Did not succeed entirely in the first performance test- there was slight recoil for when connecting with the caboose and only 2 wheels ended in the landing zone

Date:  11-Apr – 2019

Time: 9:10 am -10:05 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-308

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: Final Performance Test


Complete the last two tests for the final performance tests

To do/Action Items:

-Get the AEV so that it runs perfectly on this track and with this battery

-Run the final performance test


-Will use the entire time given to test the AEV to make sure that the results from the same code will not change between runs


-First Performance Test today went past the gate coming back with the caboose. Will need to account for this error for the last performance test

-Second Performance Test today went the best out of all three of the performance test

Date: 12 – Apr – 2019

Time: 9:35 am -10:55 am (In-Class)

Location: HI-224

Members Present: Lindsey Shimoda (LS), Matthew Fortner (MF) & Matthew Stitt (MS)

Topics Discussed: CDR and Oral Presentation


Fix the issues seen in the CDR draft and Oral Presentation draft.

To do/Action Items:

-Talk with a TA about the grade received

-Edit both documents


-Will make changes to the CDR over the weekend

-Rehearse for the Oral presentation over the weekend


-The project went over the budget unexpectedly.

-Got work done that needed to be done efficiently