The vehicle will travel under the oval, following the foot traffic routes already established in a oval pattern with elongated straight aways. The route will greatly enhance the speed of crossing the 11 acres of the Oval. As a monorail system, it will work well in the tunnels, utilizing overhead power supply which is easy to wire down from ground level. Numerous subway systems already utilize the gondola style of car and train, and we will do the same. There are limitations and our own delimitations to our testing ground however. The first delimitation is the Oval’s layout. The Oval is fairly flat in topography and the track the monorail will run should stay flat enough to factor thay out as a variable. In testing, we will use the oval track with straightaways as well as the straight track with gates to simulate the stopping to let passengers on and off the rail. The oval track will represent the oval and the straight gated track will represent the stops along the way at the metaphorical stations at each of the major buildings. We are limited by the test tracks in the room being sloped at the gates as the tunnels we will establish should lie flat for the most part. The second delimitation will factor out the rest of campus for the time being. While later iterations of the monorail may expand to other parts of campus, too much construction will impede people more in the short term. As such, we will look only at the area of the Oval, keeping construction footprint smaller and more manageable.