1. Initial Meetings


Location: Computer Lab 224 Hitchcock Hall

Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack

Indra* Was not yet assigned to our group but was present in class


Topics Discussed/ Events that happened

Introduction to the AEV project

    1. Instructor presentation (Dr. Bixler)
    2. Group discussion on our plans for the AEV project – What we intend to do/ how we plan to divide the work
    3. [group] Brainstormed ideas for the project
      1. Talked to Dr. Bixler about what students in the past have done

Received our AEV components (from TAs)

    1. [group] Went through the checklists to ensure we had all of our parts
    2. [group] Signed all of the paperwork

Talked to the rest of the company

    1. [jack] Created a group chat and a contact list

Assigned Jobs

    1. Ronnie – will do the meeting minutes
    2. Jack – Created the group chat and will communicate between the groups
    3. Other members will be assigned jobs as needed

Future Tasks

  1. Design and code the AEV
  2. Complete all tasks for project
  3. Complete all checklist items for website
  4. Communicate these tasks with other groups in our company



Location: Computer Lab 224 Hitchcock Hall

Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack, Indra

Topics Discussed/ Events that happened


  1. Reviewed events from lab 2
  2. Rechecked that we have all AEV components
  3. Talked to the rest of the company about their plans
  4. Completed Lab activities 1 and 2 and read 3 and 4


Future Tasks

  1. All – Prepare for lab activities 3 and 4
  2. All – Update the website with the new deliverables



Meeting Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224

Attendees: Ronnie, Jack, John, Indra (All present)


Topics Discussed/ Events that happened

  1. Recapped the last class
  2. Website Update
    1. Jack came up with an idea to have the website better organized
    2. Gathered the other groups and discussed the idea
    3. Will implement after class
  3. Photo Sensor Test
  4. Exercise 3


Upcoming Tasks

  1. Jack – Update the website and distribute the information to the rest of the company
  2. All – Update the deliverables and record progress
  3. John – Take pictures of the AEV