Location: Computer Lab 224 Hitchcock Hall
Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack
Indra* Was not yet assigned to our group but was present in class
Topics Discussed/ Events that happened
Introduction to the AEV project
- Instructor presentation (Dr. Bixler)
- Group discussion on our plans for the AEV project – What we intend to do/ how we plan to divide the work
- [group] Brainstormed ideas for the project
- Talked to Dr. Bixler about what students in the past have done
Received our AEV components (from TAs)
- [group] Went through the checklists to ensure we had all of our parts
- [group] Signed all of the paperwork
Talked to the rest of the company
- [jack] Created a group chat and a contact list
Assigned Jobs
- Ronnie – will do the meeting minutes
- Jack – Created the group chat and will communicate between the groups
- Other members will be assigned jobs as needed
Future Tasks
- Design and code the AEV
- Complete all tasks for project
- Complete all checklist items for website
- Communicate these tasks with other groups in our company
Location: Computer Lab 224 Hitchcock Hall
Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack, Indra
Topics Discussed/ Events that happened
- Reviewed events from lab 2
- Rechecked that we have all AEV components
- Talked to the rest of the company about their plans
- Completed Lab activities 1 and 2 and read 3 and 4
Future Tasks
- All – Prepare for lab activities 3 and 4
- All – Update the website with the new deliverables
Meeting Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224
Attendees: Ronnie, Jack, John, Indra (All present)
Topics Discussed/ Events that happened
- Recapped the last class
- Website Update
- Jack came up with an idea to have the website better organized
- Gathered the other groups and discussed the idea
- Will implement after class
- Photo Sensor Test
- Exercise 3
Upcoming Tasks
- Jack – Update the website and distribute the information to the rest of the company
- All – Update the deliverables and record progress
- John – Take pictures of the AEV