Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224
Attendees: Group all present
Topics Discussed/ Events that happened
- Team recap and overview to understand where we currently were in the project and what we had to do in the coming lab(s)
- Talked about the new website
- Discussed the lab for the day
- Discussed our plans for our AEV design
- Completed a run to gather the data for our energy plots
- Comped Lab Activity 4
- Built one of our AEV designs in order to test concepts
- Discussed how we would implement a braking device
- Tried different power settings and propeller configurations
Upcoming Tasks
- All – Update the website with current deliverables
- All – Make the website deliverables more organized
- All – Prepare for the next lab
2-12- 18
Meeting Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224
Attendees: Ronnie, Jack, John, Indra (All present)
Topics Discussed/ Events that happened
- Recapped the last class
- Prepared for the first committee meeting
- Presented our design pitch
- Listened to the other pitches
- Voted on who deserved funding
- Met with our committees and discussed the preliminary research topics
- Planned ahead for the R&D lab
Upcoming Tasks
- All – Update the deliverables and record progress
- All – Prepare for the advanced R&D labs