Meeting Minutes (C)

Meeting 1
Date: 1/17/2018
Time: 4:00 pm
Members present: Marley Mclaughlin, Nathan Teeters, Sanila Reza, Shreya Byreddy
Location: Hitchcock hall

Topics discussed:
roles each person should be assigned in order to complete the webpage update and team
meeting minutes

The main aim of today’s meeting was to complete analyzing the basic steps to be taken in

To do/action items:
Initializing the website and discussing about the approach towards Mission Concept Review

Marley would be setting up the company website and will add other members into with the help
of their name.#. Nathan is assigned the job of creating the cover page for our team(team C).
Shreya Byreddy is supposed to write the meeting notes for the first meeting. Shanila would be
working on creating the drop down menus and team members are going to help her. All these
decisions were to reduce the work load and to make all team members participate in the

We had all team members performing the tasks assigned to them
All of them have cooperated pretty well in setting up the website.


Meeting 2

Date: 1/24/2018

Time: 5:00 pm

Members present: Marley Mclaughlin, Nathan Teeters, Sanila Reza, Shreya Byreddy

Location: Thompson library

Topics discussed:

Work that needs to be contributed by each member of the team to do the reflective sensor test


The main aim of today’s meeting was to pre plan the things that need to be done in lab and code the scenario and arrange the parts of reflective sensor beforehand in order to save time. Apart from that team members have decided to design one concept sketch on their own so as to analyze it in the next lab.

To do/action items:

Discussion about the upcoming lab 2 and splitting up the work so as to finish the lab in given amount of time


Marley and Nathan are supposed to work on arranging the reflective sensors and make sure that all parts are present..

Shreya Byreddy and Shanila would be responsible for designing the code for scenario 2 so as to test the reflective sensors


Team members have performed all the tasks assigned to them accordingly.

All of them worked together to achieve tasks


Meeting 3

Date: 2/7/2018

Time: 3:30 pm

Members present: Marley Mclaughlin, Nathan Teeters, Sanila Reza, Shreya Byreddy

Location: Hitchcock hall

Topics discussed:

Steps that need to be followed to complete progress report 1 and things to brainstorm about concept screening and scoring.


The main objective of today’s meeting is to split the tasks that are to be performed by different team members to make the work a lot easier. Also, to do analysis about the concept screening and scoring about the models of the design done in lab 3

To do/action items:

Complete the progress report 1 and finish the tables for concept screening and scoring related to all the designs including the team design.


Marley has to perform the job of working on tables and figures and the takeaways for each lab. Nathan would be working on situations and results and analysis for all the labs

Shreya Byreddy has to be looking over the appendix for all the labs and the comment the code for the scenarios in each lab as well as work on the would be responsible for fulfilling the working on the situation and the upcoming designing.


There were some variation in the splitting of the work by eventually finished the progress report before the due date. Team members have cooperated to take the workload of others.


Meeting 4:

Date: 2/25/2018

Time: 11 am

Members present: Marley Mclaughlin, Nathan Teeters, Sanila Reza, Shreya Byreddy

Location: Hitchcock hall

Topics discussed:

The performance of the team to discuss all the findings and the process for finishing the website update 3


The main objective of today’s meeting is to split work among team members to successfully finish the website update 3. Moreover the team has come up with topics that each team member has to cover in the oral presentation.

To do/action items:

Complete website update 3 and get prepared for the oral presentation including the powerpoint slides.


Marley is assigned the task of discussing the finding from the tests performed for the propeller configuration, including the analysis of the power graphs.Nathan would be working on developing the proof for selecting a material that best fits for the AEV design. Shreya Byreddy is responsible for adding figures, tables and the code used in the lab walong with comment statements. Shanila has taken the responsibility of concluding all the findings from the advanced research process.


All the team members have cooperated and finished all the work assigned to them. The team was also helpful by adding in their time also to finish the task much quicker. Team has also explained their limitations beforehand, this eventually helped the team to figure out other alternatives


Meeting 5

Date: 3/7/2018

Time: 3:00 pm

Members present: Marley Mclaughlin, Nathan Teeters, Sanila Reza, Shreya Byreddy

Location: Hitchcock hall

Topics discussed:

Steps that need to be followed to complete progress report 2 which includes the division of work equally among team members so that the tasks are not stressed on one person.


Completing progress report 2 according to the instructions decided by the team. Apart from that the team also came up the topics that need further analysis and which are to be researched.

To do/action items:

The main actions that the team has decided to finish is the progress report within span of two days.


Marley has to perform the job of working on tables and figures and the takeaways for both the advanced research topics selected by the team. Nathan would be working on explaining the limitations and errors experienced while performing the tests. Shreya Byreddy has to be looking over the appendix for both the research processes and include all the figures and tables related to the experiment. Shanila would be taking of the entire backward looking summary, including situation, results and analysis and takeaways from the labs.


The team has finished all the work with the available time and got through all the troubles with the support of all the team members.


Meeting 6

Date: 3/22/2018

Time: 1;30 pm

Members present: Marley Mclaughlin, Nathan Teeters, Sanila Reza, Shreya Byreddy

Location: Hitchcock hall

Topics discussed:

The work that needs to be completed for CDR draft by individual members and topics for performance test 2 were discussed.  


The main objective of today’s meeting was to finish CDR draft and the design the basic code that is used to test the AEV to test in the upcoming lab.

To do/action items:

The team came up with a plan to complete both CDR draft and performance test 2.


Marley was responsible for doing the discussions and conclusions for concept screening and scoring lab. Shreya had to be working on the appendix and the introduction for the draft. Nathan would be working on designing the sketches for the AEV’s in solidworks and doing the executive summary. Shanila would be working on experimental methodology for the draft. Apart from that everyone would have to come up with their own code for the performance teste 2 and the best code would be selected in the lab.


The team was able to finish the draft before the due date. Moreover the team made a good progress than the other meetings with the work assigned to each member. The codes written by each team member made the performance test a lot easier.


Meeting 7

Date: 4/1/2018

Time: 1 pm

Members present: Marley Mclaughlin, Nathan Teeters, Sanila Reza, Shreya Byreddy

Location: Hitchcock hall

Topics discussed:

Division of tasks among team members for the completion of progress report 3


The takeaway from this meeting is to complete the progress report before hand and have some of the team members verify the content in order to deliver the main ideas and results behind the performance tests.

To do/action items:

The team has decided to split the work among all the members equally in order to complete the tasks with more efficiency and perfection.


Marley was responsible for completing the results and analysis of the observations from both the performance tests. Shreya had to be working on the appendix and setting up a schedule for the upcoming goals and the tasks that each team member has to perform. Nathan would be working on limitations and errors for both the performance test and would also be writing the situation for the backward looking summary. Shanila would be working on forward looking situation and forward looking goals for the upcoming tasks of the AEV design.


The team was able to finish the draft before the due date. Moreover the team made a good progress than the other meetings with the work assigned to each member. The codes written by each team member made the performance test a lot easier. The team came up with different ideas for the codes that make the AEV more efficient on the monorail tracks.