Final Testing

Final test-energy vs. time

  1. Total Energy Required: 231.7958J
  2. Time: 51.6620s
  3. Distance/Time: 0.2988m/sec

In tesst 8, the group conducted final performance test. Based on the code from previous tests, the group wrote out the code for the whole track on Friday’s lab and calculated the approximate budget. The group wanted to decrease the energy cost to cut down the budget. In the following two labs the group tried to change the code to make the AEV coasting brake on the whole track in order to save energy, but the group failed to do that. To keep the consistency of the run, the group used power braking to control most part of the run. The result were pretty efficient when compared to the rest of the class, the AEV ran on track consistently as well, which was a point of contention initially. The result of the whole run is shown above.