Performance Test 1


For Performance Test 1, the team began testing the AEV on the track. It would have to traverse the rail and incline, get to the gate, wait 7 seconds, and pass through safely. The team utilized the results gained from the power braking vs. coasting lab to create a working program for the AEV. In addition to testing the current AEV design at the time, the team also tested a new prototype design. The AEV’s differed only in wing orientation, but the new design proved to be slightly, but noticeably more efficient.



AEV Prototype A and Prototype B were both tested with similar programs and compared over their energy usage and time to completion. Prototype A on average completed the task using 55.9 Joules in 16 seconds. Prototype B on average completed the task using 53.98 Joules in 16 seconds. The team chose to continue with Prototype B in further testing as it used less energy in a similar amount of time. Though the difference may have seemed small during these tests, this was only one fourth of the total distance needed. This means that Prototype B will be saving at least 8 Joules of energy every run. Possible sources of error in the testing could be a result of different tracks being used. Prototype A was only tested in room 224 while Prototype B was only tested in room 308.

Prototype A Data:

Prototype B Data:

AEV Designs:

Prototype A:

Prototpe B:

Arduino Programs:

AEV Prototpye A Porgram:

reverse(4);         // reverse motors        


goToRelativePosition(147); // run all motors at 25% power for 147



goToRelativePosition(95); // run all motors at 26% power for 95


goFor(0.25);     // brake all motors for 0.25 seconds          

reverse(4);   // reverse motors             


goFor(1.9);             // run all motors at 27% for 1.9 seconds   


goFor(7);      // brake all motors for 7 seconds         

reverse(4);      // reverse motors          


goFor(2);             // run all motors at 25% for 2 seconds     

brake(4);      // brake all motors


AEV Prototpye B Program:

reverse(4);                // reverse motors


goToRelativePosition(147); // run all motors at 26% for 147 marks


goToRelativePosition(95); // run all motors at 30% for 95 marks


goFor(0.16);               // brake all motors for 0.16 seconds

reverse(4);                // reverse all motors


goFor(1.9);                // run all motors at 28% for 1.9 seconds


goFor(7);              // brake all motors for 7 seconds    

reverse(4);                // reverse all motors


goFor(2);                 // run all motors at 25% for 2 seconds

brake(4);                  // brake all motors