Advanced R&D 2 : Coasting vs Power Breaking


This lab’s purpose was to research whether power braking or coasting was a better alternative to stopping the AEV. The team decided that power braking was the better choice as it was much more precise than coasting.




The team found that power braking was a better suited way of stopping the AEV than coasting. Power braking, while it uses more energy than coasting (25.6 J compared to 17.68 J), was much more precise. The average braking distance for coasting was 82.6 in., a standard deviation of 32.17 in., and a range from 41.5 in. to 107.5 in. This was highly imprecise, making it very hard to predict. Power braking on the other hand was found to be very precise, with an average braking distance of 46.9 in., a standard deviation of 1.63 in., and a range of only 45 in. to 49 in. Taking these factors into account, the team has decided to use power braking going forward because it will yield more accurate results.




reverse(4);  // reverses polarity of all motors

motorSpeed(4, 25);  // run all motors at 25% power

goToRelativePosition(74);  // go to relative position 74

brake(4);  // brake all motors


Power Braking:

reverse(4);  // reverses polarity of all motors

motorSpeed(4, 25);  // run all motors at 25% power

goToRelativePostion(74);  // go to relative position 74


goFor(1);   // brake all motors for 1 second

reverse(4);  // reverses polarity of all motors

motorSpeed(4, 25);

goFor(1.75);  // run all motors at 25% for 1.75 seconds

brake(4);  // brake all motors

