Meeting Minutes

January 2018

Date: 1-12-18 @ 8:00 AM

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Introduced to Advanced Energy Vehicle Project (AEV)
  • Took inventory of Arduino kits
  • Servo Motor
    • Decided to use for brakes
    • Mentioned using it to turn a lever arm that rubs against wheels to stop AEV
    • Talked about 3D printing parts to use to connect the two brake arms
  • Decided what parts to use to use for main body
    • Will connect top wheels to bottom part containing Arduino chip, sensors, etc.
    • Did not reach a conclusion yet
  • Next meeting
    • Brainstorm AEV design
    • Arduino Introduction and programming (Arduino IDE)
    • Date: 1-19-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224

Date: 1-19-18 @ 8:00 AM

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Discussed using the Arduino, motors, and the sensors
    • Reflection sensors count marks on wheels; we then convert marks to inches
  • Brainstormed fan setup for AEV to efficiently move heavier and lighter loads
  • Divided to complete PR&D Labs 1 and 2
    • Robert and Michael completed Lab 1
      • Built Arduino desktop motor test
      • Programming Arduino to run motors
      • Did not get done due to some technical difficulties
    • Jack and Ryan completed Lab 2
      • Assembled sample AEV vehicle
      • Wrote program to test various functions and commands for AEV
      • Did not finish due to technical difficulties with Lab 1
  • Next meeting
    • Use newly learned techniques of creative design to brainstorm ideas for the AEV design
    • Date: 1-26-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Date: 1-26-18 @ 8:00 AM

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Created a BuckeyeBox shared folder among the group to put files pertaining to AEV
  • Set up and previewed Matlab data analysis add in tool
  • Skipped Lab 3 until next meeting
  • Lab 1- Michael and Robert
    • Wrote code and tested AEV
    • Wrapped up lab by completing progress report and deliverables
  • Lab 2- Jack and Ryan
    • Finished assembling AEV
    • Ran reflectance sensor test
      • Test ran successfully after switching some incorrect connections
    • Will finish Lab 2 next meeting
  • Lab 4- Michael and Robert
    • Wrote code for Lab 4
  • Next meeting
    • Finish Lab 2 and 4 and start Lab 3
    • Date: 2-2-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

February 2018

Date: 2-2-18 @ 8:00 AM

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Compared concept screening and concept scoring methods of choosing a design
  • Bob organized the deliverables
  • Jack and Ryan finished Lab 2
    • Tested program on sample AEV vehicle
    • Program ran successfully
  • Lab 4
    • Successfully ran program that we will test
    • Worked on using MATLAB App to read and display data collected from the AEV
    • Ran program on straight track on ceiling
    • Read data from runs and compared them
  • Lab 3
    • Brainstormed ideas for AEV design
    • Talked about placement of each component
  • Next meeting
    • Finish Labs 4 and 5
    • Date: 2-8-18 @ 4:00 PM
    • Location: 18th Avenue Library

Date: 2-8-18 @ 3:30 PM

Location: Smith Lab, Veterans’ Lounge

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

    • Completed progress report
    • Finished deliverables for each lab
    • Brainstormed final designs for AEV
    • Concept Screening
      • Evaluated each AEV design and looked at every aspect of it to determine which designs to keep
      • Rated each design relative to the sample AEV design
    • Concept Scoring
      • Used weighted categories to rate each individual aspect of the AEV concept designs
      • Decided to continue developing and testing Jack and Michael’s designs
    • Debated future plans for advanced research and development
      • Decided to test servo role, coasting vs. braking, and wind tunnel
    • Assigned roles and responsibilities
      • Bob- Protocol and Project Director
      • Jack- Safety Engineer
      • Michael- Project Manager
      • Ryan- Logistics Director
  • Next meeting
    • Stage 1 of Advanced Research and Delvopement
    • Will begin research on role of the servo motor, coasting vs. braking, and and wind tunnel
    • Date: 2-9-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Date: 2-9-18 @ 8:00 AM

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

    • Discussed advanced R&D procedures
    • Discussed how committee meetings will run next week
    • Assigned roles and responsibilities
      • Bob- Research & Development
      • Jack- Research & Development
      • Michael- Public Relations
      • Ryan- Human Resources
    • Made plans with all of Watts Scientific on what to research
      • Group F is doing Servo function and wind tunnel
      • Group L is doing coasting vs braking and motor quantity
      • Group J propeller configuration and battery testing
    • Discussed best idea of the main body of AEV
      • Switched to a downward facing wing design
      • Michael rebuilt AEV, flipping wings down
    • Worked on Research Part I: Function of the Servo Motor
      • Started designing on SolidWorks
    • Tasks to be prepared for 2-16-18
      • Work on individual parts for committee reports
      • Prepare grant proposal
  • Next meeting
    • Committee Meetings
    • Grant Proposal
    • Date: 2-16-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Date: 2-15-18 @ 4:00 PM

Location: Smith Lab, Veterans’ Lounge

Attendees: Robert Olson, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Shared updates on Grant Proposal Progress
    • Finished PowerPoint and set up a plan for committee meetings and grant proposal on 2-16-18
  • Decided to proceed with version 2 of the servo brake arm
  • Tasks to be prepared for 2-16-18
      • Work on individual parts for committee reports
      • Prepare grant proposal
  • Next meeting
    • Committee Meetings
    • Grant Proposal
    • Date: 2-16-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224


Date: 2-16-18 @ 8:00 AM

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Present grant proposal
    • Presented our grant proposal to the teaching staff
    • Complete quiz to vote for groups that will receive grant
  • Continued discussion on advanced research and development
    • Reviewed servo function as brake and evaluated SolidWorks parts
  • Held Committee Meetings
    • Each committee (public relations, research and development, and human resources) met with teaching staff to review group progress and future plans
  • Next meeting
    • Start Advanced R&D Stage 2
    • Date: 2/23/18
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Date: 2/23/18 @ 8:00 AM

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Ryan Stuckey, Michael Seidle, Bob Olson

  • Worked on research and development part 1
    • Finalized function of servo motor
    • Finalized placement of servo motor and design of brake arm
    • Decided to cut custom support arm
  • Decided to cut custom AEV base
  • Carried out energy analysis of AEV performance
    • Massed the AEV
    • Ran code and observed distance
    • Analyzed data in the MATLAB Data Analysis Tool
  • Next meeting
    • Continue testing AEV and finish Advanced Research and Development Labs
    • Date: Monday @ TBD
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

March 2018

Date: 3/1/16

Location: 18th Avenue Library, Berry Cafe

Attendees: Ryan Stuckey, Michael Seidle, Jack Wagner

  • Finished Advanced Research and Development oral presentation
  • Updated website with most recent research and findings
  • Next meeting
    • Oral Advanced Research and Development presentation
    • Date: 3/2/18
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Date: 3/9/18

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Worked on Performance Test I
    • Created a program to run AEV to gate
    • AEV must wait for gate to open
  • Tested with a single design as the power brake was not printed yet
    • Tested the design without a power brake
  • Next meeting
    • Continue on with Performance Test 1
    • Date: 3/19/18
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Date: 3/19/18

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Worked on Performance Test I
    • Created a program to run AEV to gate
    • AEV must wait for gate to open before proceeding
    • Successfully stopped at gate by running motors for 7 seconds
  • Tested with a single design as the power brake was not printed yet
    • Tested the design without a power brake
  • Next meeting
    • Continue on with Performance Test 1
    • Date: 3/21/18
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Date: 3/21/18

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 308

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Finished Performance Test 1
    • AEV went up to gait, waited for it to open, and continued through the gate after it opened
  • Discovered 3D printed brake arm was too complex to be printed
    • Discussed how to solve the problem and get the 3D arm printed
  • Worked on testing second AEV design to discuss in CDR
    • Second design was created by flipping the side wings over to point upwards
    • Ran into problems initially when the propeller hit the Arduino Nano
  • Next meeting
    • Finish CDR and begin Performance Test 2
    • Date: 3/23/18
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Date: 3/23/18

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Meeting Minutes
  • Received 3D printed brake arm
    • However, did not receive the new support arm or AEV base
    • Without these parts, testing of the brake could not be done
  • Switched to running based off of distance travelled
    • Detected using the reflectance sensors
    • Originally ran based off of time using goFor () function
    • Now uses goToAbsolutePosition() and goToRelativePosition()
    • AEV starting position be the same every time; wheel must always start at the same spot in order to travel to the right spot and trigger the sensor
  • Finished CDR Draft
  • Next meeting
    • Finish Performance Test 2 with brake arm
    • Date: 3/26/18
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 308

April 2018

Date: 4/9/18

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 308

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Complete final performance tests
    • Michael, Bob, and Jack worked on programming the AEV and testing it
    • Final performance test was successfully completed
  • Ryan complete the final presentation draft
    • Finished and uploaded to Carmen
  • Next meeting
    • Have final performance test checked
    • Collect remaining data for performance tests 1 and 2
    • Date: 3/11/18
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 308

Date: 4/11/18

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 308

Attendees: Michael Seidle, Bob Olson, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Finished final performance test
    • Performed test for teaching staff
    • Test was successfully completed with an accuracy score of 40/40
    • The time was about 50 seconds
  • Next meeting
    • Finish gathering data for performance test 1 and 2
    • Date: 4/13/18
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Date: 4/13/18

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Finished gathering data for a second design in performance test one
  • Finished gathering data for a second program in performance test two
  • Next meeting
    • Work on finish team materials, including CDR, website, and the final presentation
    • Date: 4/16/18
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 308

Date: 4/16/18

Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 308

Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Team worked together on completing the CDR, final presentation, and the website
    • Final Presentation due on Wednesday
    • CDR due Friday
    • Website due Friday
  • Next meeting
    • Complete and turn in the CDR and website
    • Date: 4/19/18 @ 2:45 PM
    • Location: Smith Lab, Veterans’ Lounge