Team Working Agreement

Ohio State Engineering

First Year Engineering

Team Working Agreement 

Creation on: 02/12/2018 

  1. Group Identification:
    1. Lab section 29806 
    2. Group F 
    3. Instructor -
Dr. Busick  
  2. Team Member Information:
    Robert Olson  olson.237@osu.ede  513-284-9527 
    Michael Seidle  614-203-6266 
    Ryan Stuckey  419-306-7114 
    Jack Wagner  207-329-4787 
  3. Primary Means of Communication and Expectations:  
    1. We will be communicating via a group text message on most occasions unless otherwise discussed. Everyone is expected to read the texts and contribute to group discussions and decisions. 
  4. Scheduling of Meetings:
    1. Meetings will be scheduled at the end of classes if needed. On occasion, meetings can also be scheduled via the group text message. 
  5. General Responsibilities for All Team Members:
    1. Complete given tasks to the best of their abilities 
    2. Attend all meetings and, if absent, communicate that with other team members 
    3. Be on time to meetings 
    4. Contribute to group discussions and work 
    5. Stay focused during labs in order to complete the task at hand 
    6. Discuss and resolve any problems as soon as they arise 
  6. Team Working Agreement Term:
    1. Spring 2018  
  7. Specific Team Member Responsibilities:
    1. Robert Olson will be co-heading research and development with Jack Wagner 
    2. Michael Seidle will be heading public relations 
    3. Ryan Stuckey will be heading human resources 
    4. Jack Wagner will be  co-heading research and development with Robert Olson 
  8. Conflict Resolution:
    1. Should a problem arise within the group, whether it be disagreements between members or a member not carrying their weight, the steps below will be taken to resolve the issue. 
    2. Calmly discuss issues between in involved individual 
    3. Discuss issues among entire team, with non-involved neutral individuals moderating and listening to both parties 
    4. Request to meet with an undergraduate teaching assistant in order to get the opinion of an outside source 
    5. Request to meet with graduate teaching assistant to find a solution 
    6. If problems are severe enough or persist, consider firing that team member from the group 
  9. Expectations of Faculty and GTAs:
    1. If team members cannot live up to the agreement, continue submitting and doing work as normal but report the individual to the staff and take disciplinary actions to resolve the situation.