Progress Report I

Group F- Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner, Robert Olson

Progress Report I- Weeks 1-4

Instructor – Dr. Busick

GTA- Amena Shermadou

8 February 2018


In the past few weeks the team has gone through a series of preliminary labs to obtain an understanding of the Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV). This included learning about each of the parts, sensors, motors, and programming software that will be utilized during the Advanced Energy Vehicle Project.

Watts Scientific Division F began initial testing by testing AEV motors with a base Arduino program to verify proper motor operation. To test this, a program was created that would test whether or not the motors powered up and then if they ran for the proper amount of time. The initial Arduino code included only two functions. The first was the motorSpeed(4,p) function, which initialized both motors to a percent power of p, where p is the desired percent of motor power. The second function was goFor(t), which “freezes” the program for t seconds. The argument for this function is the desired number of seconds, t, for which the program stays at the previously initialized state. This initial testing introduced the team to the Arduino programming environment and to the execution of programs uploaded to the Arduino computer board. While introducing the team to the technical aspects of programming the Arduino, it brought along new challenges, one of which was the process of debugging.

Division F continued on with a second test for advanced motor operations. A more advanced program was used (See Program 1, Lab 1 in Appendix C) for this test in which the goal was to ensure that the motors accelerated and reversed according to the user-created program. There were a few initial problems in setting up the Arduino programming interface, but after this was resolved the motors performed as anticipated. From this the team started to inherit a deeper understanding of capabilities and restrictions of the AEV motors, which would later be integral to the design and operation of the AEV.

Following initial motor testing, the team began to test the sensors to confirm that they were operating properly. To begin this test, the team created a program specifically designed to output to the computer in real time the number or marks registered by the reflectance sensors (See Program 2, Lab 2 in Appendix C). The program would then be run while plugged into the computer; As the program ran, the Arduino would collect data from the reflectance sensors and then stream this data to the computer, where it could be viewed within the Arduino programming interface. After it was observed that the sensors were operating as intended, the team further tested the reflectance sensors by programming the AEV to move forward until it had gone a certain distance (See Program 3, Lab 2 in Appendix C). Through this testing, the team became proficient at stopping and starting the motors based on sensor input.

After the reflectance sensors were tested, each team member independently created a drawing of an AEV concept design (See Figures 3-6 in Appendix B). When deciding which AEV concept to continue testing and developing, the team had to evaluate each design in several different categories. This was done using both concept screening and concept scoring (See Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix A). Concept screening is a simple scoring matrix used to evaluate several chosen aspects of the concept design relative to a base AEV design, where the ratings in each category can be better, worse, or neutral. Concept screening, which is fairly similar to concept scoring, uses a weighted category system in which each category is given a score on a scale of 1-5 and this score is then multiplied by the category weight. The highest scored concept designs in each method are then considered for further testing and development. The categories evaluated in each scoring method were efficiency, stability, design, weight, and cost of each AEV concept. These categories were chosen based off of what the goals of the AEV were. After the concept designs were each scored and evaluated, the team decided to continue on with Design I (See Figure 3 in Appendix B).

Next, the team installed the Design Analysis Tool into MATLAB. The Design Analysis Tool is used to retrieve data from the AEV and then compare it to other runs using graphs, charts, and raw numerical values. For this lab, it was used to generate two graphs; one was power versus time and the second was power versus distance (See Figures 1 and 2 in Appendix A). The program that the data was collected from had several different commands for the motors (See Program 4, Lab 4 in Appendix C). From this test, the team could evaluate how each function used in the AEV program would affect the power output by the Arduino Nano microcontroller. This data could then be used in the future to produce programs that reduced power consumption by knowledgeably choosing what functions to use.

Results and Analysis

There were several times where the team had to collect data during the preliminary research and development phase. The first set of data, shown directly below, was the data collected when using the Design Analysis Tool (See also Figures 1 and 2 in Appendix A). The second set of data collected was the tables generated during concept screening and scoring, which are shown further down (See also Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix A).


Figure 1: Power vs. Time Graph for the AEV

This graph above was the data collected during the testing of the Design Analysis Tool. This graph shows the actual AEV test data collected (yellow and orange data lines) and the baseline test data (blue data line). From this data the team was able to compare it to the code and identify how commands influence energy consumption. By utilizing this data in the future, the team can decide how to go about programming the AEV as well as what commands to use in what places in order to reduce power consumption as much as possible.


Table 1: Concept Screening Matrix


Table 2: Concept Scoring Matrix

The tables above show the team’s end result on concept screening and scoring process of the team’s initial designs. The first area the team worked on was developing the criteria for grading and how important each criterion should be. The team discussed what each of them felt was crucial to a successful final product. These criteria included efficiency, weight, cost, stability, and design. From the screening and scoring process, the team was able to identify which two designs it was going continue testing and developing. The team decided to proceed with one design fully, which was Design I (See Figure 3 in Appendix B). They felt as though this was the ideal design for the overall mission and can be built upon and improved in the future if needed.


  1. AEV- Getting the sensors to work with the code and getting the correct responses the team want takes time and is crucial to the project’s overall success
  2. AEV- Checking the AEV for stability every time the team uses it is important for consistency and safety
  3. AEV- Ensuring that the chosen AEV design is continuously tested and improved based off of research taken from testing
  4. General- Spending quality time on testing and analyzing data is crucial to how well the team’s results will turn out
  5. General- Talking with each other teams and the TAs to make sure the team is doing what they need to be doing so they don’t waste time and make mistakes.

Forward Looking Situation

Looking towards the future, the team is going to brainstorm the possibility of implementing a brake into the AEV. This will be done by analyzing creating a SolidWorks assembly of the AEV and by then creating and implementing a brake into this SolidWorks assembly. The design of the brake will be heavily influenced by analyzing the movement of the AEV as Team F researches Braking versus Coasting. This is one of the top priorities of the team as they believe it is an essential part of creating a successful AEV. It could also serve as a great long-term asset in the project to have done this research firsthand, instead of obtaining the results from another division within Watts Scientific. The team is also going to constantly test and change small variables within the vehicle to ensure maximum stability and efficiency; these changes will be influenced by other AEV concept designs that were not chosen. Finally, the data collected will be implemented into creating a final design and program for the AEV.

Weekly Goals

  1. Develop a braking system and work with SolidWorks on a possible design.
  2. Ensure Design I (See Figure 3 in Appendix B) reaches its maximum potential throughresearch and testing.
  3. Work on future deliverables and reports while ensuring top quality.
  4. Work on Brake vs. Coasting research and implementing discoveries into the design of abrake

Team Assignments

  • Robert Olson- Research how the AEV travels without brakes and experiment with various methods of braking (i.e. reversing the propellers, servo motor brake)
  • Michael Seidle- Create programs for AEV and ensure they are error free; debugging if necessary; utilize data to improve AEV design
  • Ryan Stuckey- Use SolidWorks to create assembly of AEV and use data collected by Robert to create a brake and improve on it
  • Jack Wagner- Ensure website is polished and professional looking; also aid in researching how the AEV coast and what can reduce the coasted distance

Weekly Schedule



Start Date

Due Date

Time Needed

Research Braking





Team meetings





Next website update





Next week’s lab deliverables





Appendix A: Tables and Charts


Figure 1: Power vs. Time Graph for the AEV


Figure 2: Power vs. Distance Graph for the AEV


Table 1: Concept Screening Matrix


Table 2: Concept Scoring Matrix


Appendix B: AEV Concept Sketches


Figure 3: AEV Concept Design I


Figure 4: AEV Concept Design II


Figure 5: AEV Concept Design III


Figure 6: AEV Concept Design IV


Appendix C: Full Arduino Code with comments

Lab 1: Programming Basics

// accelerate motor 1, 0 to 15% power in 2.5 seconds
// set motor 1 speed to 15%
// run motor one for 1 sec at 15%
// brake motor 1
//accelerate motor 2 from 0% to 27% in 4 seconds
// run motor 2 at 27% for 2 seconds
// decelerate motor 2 from 27% to 15% in 1 second
// brake motor 2
// reverse motor 2
// accelerate all motors from 0% to 31% in 2 seconds
// set all motors speed to 35%
// run all motors at 35% for 1 second
// brake motor 2
// set motor 1 to 35%
// run motor 1 at 35% for 3 seconds
// brake all motors
//brake all motors for 1 second
//reverse motor 1
// accelerate motor 1 from 0% to 19% in 2 seconds
// set motor 2 speed to 35%
// set motor 1 speed to 19%
// run motor 2 at 35% and motor 1 at 19% for 2 seconds
// set all motor speeds to 19%
// run all motors at 19% for 2 seconds
// decelerate all motors from 19% to 0% in 3 seconds
//brake all motors

 Program 1: The basic program that was used to familiarize the team with the programming and execution of programs on the Arduino microcontroller.

Lab 2: Reflectance Sensors


Program 2: A single-function program that was used to test the reflectance sensors and ensure they were working properly.


//set all motors to 25% power
// run all motors at 25% power for 2 seconds
// sets all motors to 20% power
// run all motors at 20% power until 295 marks have been reached
// reverse all motors
// sets all motors to 30% power
// run all motors at 30% power for 1.5 seconds
// brake all motors
 Program 3: A program that would run the motors until the reflectance sensors read 295 marks; a combination of content learned in the first and second labs.

Lab 4: Design Analysis Tool

 // accelerate all motors from 0% to 25% power over 3 seconds celerate(4,25,3);
 // set all motors speed to 25%
 //run all motors at 25% for 1 second
 // set all motors to 20%
 // run all motors at 20% for 2 seconds
 // reverse all motors
 // set all motors speed to 25%
 // run all motors at 25% for 2 seconds in the opposite direction goFor(2);
 //brake all motors
Program 4: The program that data was collected from using the Design Analysis Tool.

Appendix D: Meeting Minutes

Team Meeting Minutes
Date: 1-12-18 @ 8:00 AM
Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224
Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Introduced to Advanced Energy Vehicle Project (AEV)
  • Took inventory of Arduino kits
  • Servo Motor
    • Decided to use for brakes
    • Mentioned using it to turn a lever arm that rubs against wheels to stop AEV
    • Talked about 3D printing parts to use to connect the two brake arms
  • Decided what parts to use to use for main body
    • Will connect top wheels to bottom part containing Arduino chip, sensors, etc.
    • Did not reach a conclusion yet
  • Next meeting
    • Brainstorm AEV design
    • Arduino Introduction and programming (Arduino IDE)
    • Date: 1-19-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224


Team Meeting Minutes
Date: 1-19-18 @ 8:00 AM
Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224
Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Discussed using the Arduino, motors, and the sensors
  • Reflection sensors count marks on wheels; we then convert marks to inches
  • Brainstormed fan setup for AEV to efficiently move heavier and lighter loads
  • Divided to complete PR&D Labs 1 and 2
    • Robert and Michael completed Lab 1
      • Built Arduino desktop motor test
      • Programming Arduino to run motors
      • Did not get done due to some technical difficulties
    • Jack and Ryan completed Lab 2
      • Assembled sample AEV vehicle
      • Wrote program to test various functions and commands for AEV
      • Did not finish due to technical difficulties with Lab 1
  • Next meeting
    • Use newly learned techniques of creative design to brainstorm ideas for the AEVdesign
    • Date: 1-26-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224


Team Meeting Minutes
Date: 1-26-18 @ 8:00 AM
Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224
Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Created a BuckeyeBox shared folder among the group to put files pertaining to AEV
  • Set up and previewed MATLAB data analysis add in tool
  • Skipped Lab 3 until next meeting
  • Lab 1- Michael and Robert
    • Wrote code and tested AEV
    • Wrapped up lab by completing progress report and deliverables
  • Lab 2- Jack and Ryan
    • Finished assembling AEV
    • Ran reflectance sensor test
  • Test ran successfully after switching some incorrect connections
  • Will finish Lab 2 next meeting
  • Lab 4- Michael and Robert
  • Wrote code for Lab 4
  • Next meeting
    • Finish Lab 2 and 4 and start Lab 3
    • Date: 2-2-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224


Team Meeting Minutes
Date: 2-2-18 @ 8:00 AM
Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224
Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Compared concept screening and concept scoring methods of choosing a design
  • Bob organized the deliverables
  • Jack and Ryan finished Lab 2
    • Tested program on sample AEV vehicle
    • Program ran successfully
  • Lab 4
    • Successfully ran program that we will test
    • Worked on using MATLAB App to read and display data collected from the AEV
    • Ran program on straight track on ceiling
    • Read data from runs and compared them
  • Lab3
    • Brainstormed ideas for AEV design
    • Talked about placement of each component
  • Next meeting
    • Finish Labs 4 and 5
    • Finish progress report
    • Date: 2-8-18 @ 4:00 PM
    • Location: 18th Avenue Library


Team Meeting Minutes
Date: 2-8-18 @ 3:30 PM
Location: Smith Lab, Veterans’ Lounge
Attendees: Robert Olson, Michael Seidle, Ryan Stuckey, Jack Wagner

  • Completed progress report
  • Finished deliverables for each lab
  • Brainstormed final designs for AEV
  • Concept Screening
    • Evaluated each AEV design and looked at every aspect of it to determine which designs to keep
    • Rated each design relative to the sample AEV design
  • Concept Scoring
    • Used weighted categories to rate each individual aspect of the AEV concept designs
    • Decided to continue developing and testing Jack and Michael’s designs
  • Debated future plans for advanced research and development
  • Decided to test servo role, coasting vs. braking, and wind tunnel
  • Assigned roles and responsibilities
    • Bob- Protocol and Project Director
    • Jack- Safety Engineer
    • Michael- Project Manager
    • Ryan- Logistics Director
  • Next meeting
    • Stage 1 of Advanced Research and Development
    • Will begin research on role of the servo motor, coasting vs. braking, and windtunnel
    • Date: 2-9-18 @ 8:00 AM
    • Location: Hitchcock Hall, Room 224