Design Analysis Tool

Group F 

ENGR 1182 

Dr. Busick 

5 February 2018 

Website Deliverables 4 

Chart Analysis

Figure 1: Power vs. Time Graph

The graph to the right is the power used by the Arduino Nano over the duration of time in which the code was executed (denoted as the yellow line). In the first 2 seconds we can see a steady slope upwards, this is because the vehicle was accreting at () during this time. Then we see it level off then spike and level off again. This is due to adjusting the motor speed and running it at a constant speed for a few seconds. Finally, we see as the line drops and levels off, this is due to the brake being used and shutting off the motor causing the power level to go to 0 

Figure 2: Power vs. Distance Graph


In the second graph we see how to Arduino Nano uses power over the distance it had traveled (denoted as the yellow line). Here we see a dramatic spike immediately from the initial powering on of the motor and acceleration. Then it levels off and drops a bit once the speed is lowered. Once again, the line levels off and then spikes once more when the speed is increased. Then it drops slightly and then as soon as the brake is activated the power level drops to zero. 

We can take a few things away from the data we collected. First off, we can see that power usage is directly related to the speed of the motors. Also, we can see that when the motors are running at a constant speed the power usage stays relatively constant as well. Another observation is that when the vehicle is going backwards (motor direction reversed) it uses more power than going forward at the same speed. There is also quite a spike in the power used when reversing the direction of the motors, but it drops back down. Finally, when the brake is used the power instantly drops to 0. 



// accelerate all motors from start to 25% power over 3 seconds
// set all motors speed to 25%
//run all motors at 25% for 1 second
// set all motors speed to 20%
// run all motors at 20% for 2 seconds
// reverse all motors
// set all motors speed to 25%
// run all motors at 25% for 2 seconds in the opposite direction
// brake all motors

 Figure 3: Lab 4 Arduino Test Code