In this lab the team obtained the 3D-Printed parts and began the construction o the AEV. This allowed for more improvements to the design to be made and for the team to set future goals. Small hiccups in the building of the AEV led to various decisions to be made and the gear system to be improved. Various codes that worked with the current design were also tested using the servos. They were compared and the better code was chosen to be the final code.
Weekly Schedule
Team Meeting Notes
Date: 28 – March – 2017
Time: 11:00 am (Face-to-Face)
Members Present: Jacob Protheroe, Tom Paoloni, Michael Tesmer, Ian Johnson
Topics Discussed: Collection of Parts, Construction of the Spring AEV
Immediately before today’s meeting, the team collected the parts needed to create the spring design AEV. The team then met and began putting parts together.
To do/Action Items:
- Construct the AEV – (TP,JP,MT,IJ)
- No decisions were made during this meeting
- Some of the 3D printed parts are warped. There may be need for reprints on some parts.
Date: 30 – March – 2017
Time: 5:00 pm (Face-to-Face)
Members Present: Jacob Protheroe, Tom Paoloni, Michael Tesmer, Ian Johnson
Topics Discussed: Redesign insufficient AEV parts
The team noticed that some of the parts used in the spring design were miscalculated and needed to be redesigned. The team discussed what changes needed to be made and then set out to redesign.
To do/Action Items:
- Remodel the parts – (TP)
- The parts that needed to be redesigned could be easily, and by getting the part files to Dr. Parris immediately, the team might hopefully have the new parts by the next day.
- When 3D modelling, the team has to be careful and thorough in reviewing design elements. This mishap put the team back a lab period and such issues need to be avoided in the future.
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