The Ohio State University

Arduino Code

First Code

void myCode()


//Sets the motors to initially reverse


//Sets the motor speed of all motors to 25


// Goes to the gate


} //end of myCode()


Second Code



// AEV Servo

Servo aevServo;


// Additional Servo added by team, in order to use two servos

Servo aevServo1;



 // Servo Pin—————————————————————–


 aevServo1.attach(10); // Attaching the second servo

 rotateServo(0,0); // Initialize servo 0 to 0 degrees

 rotateServo(1,0); // Initialize servo 1 (the added servo) to 0 degrees





void rotateServo(byte servo, float angle)



 // rotateServo(angle);


 // Rotates servo


 // Input:   servo     : which servo to change; Added by team

 //       angle     : servo angle (0 – 180 degrees).



 // Output: none



 // Check motor input. If incorrect, display error in serial port for user.

 if (angle < 0.00) angle = 0.00;

 if (angle > 180.00) angle = 180.00;


 // Map out the angle provided by the user

 int ms = map(angle, 0.00, 180.00, 544, 2400);


 // Rotate servo; If statement added by team

 if (servo == 1) {


 } else {







void myCode()



 // myCode();


 // This is the tab where the programming of your vehicle is done.

 // Tab_00_AEV_key_words contains a compiled list of functions/subroutines used for vehicle

 //  operation.




 // Releases the braking servo and lets the AEV travel 400 marks forward




 // Engages the braking servo, stopping the AEV before the gate



 // Waits at the gate for 7 seconds



 // Releases the braking servo and lets the AEV travel 400 marks, to the pickup location




 // Takes the spring torsion off of the wheel by rotating a servo that moves the driving gear; this allows the AEV to gently coast for 3 seconds into the caboose




 // Re-engages spring torsion but in the opposite direction, allowing the AEV to begin its travel back to the gate, 400 marks away




 // Engages the braking servo, stopping the AEV before the gate



 // Waits at the gate for 7 seconds



 // Releases the braking servo and lets the AEV travel 400 marks, to the starting location




 // Engages the braking servo, stopping the AEV at the starting position



} // end of void myCode()


Final Code

void myCode()





 // Drives the AEV to the first stop at the gate




 // Stops the AEV at the gate



 // Engages the braking servo and brakes for 2 seconds




 // Disengages the braking servo



 // Waits the additional 5.5 seconds at the gate



 // Drives the AEV to the caboose




 // Stops the AEV at the caboose


 // Coasts for 1.5 seconds, into the caboose



 // Engages the braking servo and brakes for 4 seconds




 // Disengages the braking servo



 // Reverses the motor direction



 // Starts the propellers back up and drives the AEV with the caboose back to the gate




 // Stops the AEV at the gate



 // Engages the braking servo and brakes for 2 seconds




 // Disengages the braking servo



 // Waits the additional 5 seconds at the gate



 // Drives the AEV and the caboose back to the starting position




 // Stops the AEV and caboose at the starting position



 // Engages the braking servo and brakes for 2 seconds




 // Disengages the braking servo




} // end of void myCode()