The Ohio State University


After the destruction of the death star, the galactic empire is desperately trying to rebuild their army, completely unaware of any rebel alliance operations. To ensure so, the rebel alliance is preparing for war on remote planets and transporting R2D2 units by monorail. Power is scarce for the alliance, and as such they are looking for an Advance Energy Vehicle (AEV) that can successfully transport the R2D2 units as a cost effective system, that is energy efficient and green.

Teams of engineers are presented this issue to construct an AEV to assist the rebel alliance. Groups must construct an AEV that utilizes as little energy as possible, that functions smoothly/efficiently, and maintains consistent performance. Groups must successfully transport the R2D2 unit while effectively reducing the energy/mass ratio. Due to the shifting conditions of the planets, the AEV must be able to vary it’s route accordingly. The groups must design an AEV that can perform under these conditions, and different stipulations will be created in the classroom to simulate the route the AEV will take. There will be sensors that activate a gate set up on the course of the monorail at the halfway point. The group must design a code that accounts for this for both the picking up of the cargo, and it’s delivery. The gate requires a 7 second stop on both accounts, while attaining the cargo requires a 5 second stop to assure the cargo has been loaded. The overall time allotted to successfully deliver the R2D2 unit is 2.5 minutes.