The Ohio State University

Lab 05: Design Concepts: Screening and Scoring


This lab utilized a concept screening matrix to compare the various designs built by each member. This allowed the designs to be compared and the best two from the screening matrix were passed onto the concept scoring matrix to determine which is best. The design that was deemed best was chosen to be the final design.

Weekly Schedule


Team Meeting Notes

Date: 23 – February – 2017

Time: 8:00 pm (Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Jacob Protheroe, Tom Paoloni, Michael Tesmer, Ian Johnson

Topics Discussed: PDR Worksheet, Project Portfolio


The focus of today’s meeting was to complete the PDR Worksheet in preparation for creating the PDR Presentation. The team also focussed on updating the Project Portfolio.

To do/Action Items:

  • Complete PDR Worksheet – (IJ,TP)
  • Update the Project Portfolio – (JP,MT)


  • The team made the decision to explore other forms of propulsion rather than using propellers, spring propulsion being the most likely candidate.


  • The team failed to keep up with the Project Portfolio until this point, putting the team behind. In future, the team plans to keep the portfolio updated on a weekly basis.


Progress Report
