Performance Analysis & Incremental Energy

% Name: Ashwin Rajgopal, Blake Kanoy, Alex Beutel & Daniel Fahmi 
% Date: 2/09/17 
% Class: ENGR 1182.01 
% Program Title: Performance Analysis 
% Program description: Convert Excel data and analyze it. 
% Load EEPROM data into MATLAB workspace 
data = xlsread('lab04data.xlsx'); 
t = data(:,1); 
i = data(:,2); 
v = data(:,3); 
cwc = data(:,4); 
pwc = data(:,5); 
t = t / 1000; 
i = (i/1024)*2.46*(1/.185); 
v = 15*v/1024; 
cwc = cwc * .0124; 
pwc = pwc * .0124; 
p = v .* i; 
plot(t, p, 'LineWidth', 2); 
grid on 
box on 
title('AEV Power Usage of Time'); 
xlabel('Time (s)'); 
ylabel('Power (Watts)'); 
% Phase 1 
xL = 0; % Right x-coordinate 
xR = .18; % Left x-coordinate 
iL = knnsearch(t,xL); % Element index of left point 
iR = knnsearch(t,xR); % Element index of right point 
P1 = p(iL:iR); % Power values of Phase 1 
t1 = t(iL:iR); % Time values of Phase 1 
% Compute incremental energy of Phase 1 
ph1 = []; 
for i=1:size(P1)-1 
    ph1(i) = ((P1(i) + P1(i+1))/2) * (t1(i+1)-t1(i)); 
% Compute total energy of Phase 1 
ph1tot = sum(ph1) 
% Phase 2 
xL = .18; % Right x-coordinate 
xR = 6.93; % Left x-coordinate 
iL = knnsearch(t,xL); % Element index of left point 
iR = knnsearch(t,xR); % Element index of right point 
P2 = p(iL:iR); % Power values of Phase 2 
t2 = t(iL:iR); % Time values of Phase 2 
% Compute incremental energy of Phase 2 
ph2 = []; 
for i=1:size(P2)-1 
    ph2(i) = ((P2(i) + P2(i+1))/2) * (t2(i+1)-t2(i)); 
% Compute total energy of Phase 2 
ph2tot = sum(ph2) 
% Phase 3 
xL = 6.93; % Right x-coordinate 
xR = 6.963; % Left x-coordinate 
iL = knnsearch(t,xL); % Element index of left point 
iR = knnsearch(t,xR); % Element index of right point 
P3 = p(iL:iR); % Power values of Phase 3 
t3 = t(iL:iR); % Time values of Phase 3 
% Compute incremental energy of Phase 3 
ph3 = []; 
for i=1:size(P3)-1 
    ph3(i) = ((P3(i) + P3(i+1))/2) * (t3(i+1)-t3(i)); 
% Compute total energy of Phase 3 
ph3tot = sum(ph3) 
% Phase 4 
xL = 6.963; % Right x-coordinate 
xR = 9.903; % Left x-coordinate 
iL = knnsearch(t,xL); % Element index of left point 
iR = knnsearch(t,xR); % Element index of right point 
P4 = p(iL:iR); % Power values of Phase 4 
t4 = t(iL:iR); % Time values of Phase 4 
% Compute incremental energy of Phase 4 
ph4 = []; 
for i=1:size(P4)-1 
    ph4(i) = ((P4(i) + P4(i+1))/2) * (t4(i+1)-t4(i)); 
% Compute total energy of Phase 4 
ph4tot = sum(ph4)