AEV Introduction Scenario 1

celerate(1,0,15,2.5); // Accelerate motor one from start to 15% power in 2.5 seconds. 
goFor(1); // Run motor one at a constant speed (15% power) for 1 second. 
brake(1); // Brake motor one. 
celerate(2,0,27,4); // Accelerate motor two from start to 27% power in 4 seconds. 
goFor(2.7); // Run motor two at a constant speed (27% power) for 2.7 seconds. 
celerate(2,27,15,1); // Decelerate motor two to 15% power in 1 second. 
brake(2); // Brake motor two. 
reverse(2); // Reverse the direction of only motor 2. 
celerate(4,0,31,2); // Accelerate all motors from start to 31% power in 2 seconds. 
motorSpeed(4,35); // Run all motors at a constant speed of 35% power 
goFor(1); // For 1 second. 
brake(2); // Brake motor two  
goFor(3); // Keep motor one running at a constant speed (35% power) for 3 seconds. 
brake(4); // Brake all motors  
goFor(1); // For 1 second. 
reverse(1); // Reverse the direction of motor one. 
celerate(1,0,19,2); // Accelerate motor one from start to 19% power over 2 seconds. 
motorSpeed(2,35); // Run motor two at 35% power  
goFor(2); // While simultaneously running motor one at 19% power for 2 seconds. 
motorSpeed(4,19); // Run both motors at a constant speed (19% power)  
goFor(2); //For 2 seconds. 
celerate(4,19,0,3); // Decelerate both motors to 0% power in 3 seconds. 
brake(4); // Brake all motors.

Initial AEV Assembly


2:20 pm (Face-to-Face)


Members Present:

Blake Kanoy, Ashwin Rajgopal, Alex Beutel, & Daniel Fahmi



The main focus of this meeting was to complete the assembly of the AEV and begin testing the sensors and some basic code that would make the robot move.


To do/Action Items:

-Complete Assembly of AEV

-Write basic code to move around the track



-The team decided to place the motors as far back as possible on the AEV on ‘wing-like’ extensions



-Did not spend enough time on the progress report and while working on it we felt rushed and unorganized

-Need to be more disciplined with arranging meetings and being productive during meetings

Schedule from 1/26 to 2/2

Date Time Location Team Members Goal
1/26/17 2-4 PM Hitchcock Alex Gather data on the thrust produced by power percentages
1/26/17 2-4 PM Hitchcock Alex and Blake Complete Assembly of basic AEV
1/26/17 2-4 PM Hitchcock Ashwin and Daniel Write basic code for inside and outside track
1/26/17 2-4, 6-8 PM Hitchcock Ashwin and Daniel Decide on sensors for AEV
1/26/17 2-4,6-8 PM Hitchcock Alex and Blake Decide on motor placement on the AEV
2/1/17 7-10 PM SEL ALL Complete Progress Report for Lab 3