Design Concepts: Screening and Scoring


During this week’s lab session, we finalized our AEV design by going through rigid scoring structures like concept screening and decision matrices to compare each of the team members’ design ideas. This was done to gain an objective perspective on whose design would perform the best. In order to gain the clearest evaluation of the designs, concept screening methods were used. We used the reference guide and scored it against multiple criteria like balanced in turns, minimal blockage, center of gravity, etc. and finalized a net score for each design. From there, the team was able to generate weighted scores for certain success criterion to see which design should finally be used.



  1. AEV — When designing, it is important to keep all of the constraints the AEV presents in mind
  2. AEV — Constant testing on the small track on the desk is important to make sure the AEV is still functional
  3. General — An objective view to analyze everyone’s idea in a fair setting is important


Full Progress Report

Meeting Notes