Team Meeting 6-7

Date: 06 – Mar – 2017

Time: 5:50 p.m. (Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Ronald Smith, Melissa Holland, Wesley Devore, Yumeng Wei

Topics Discussed: Lab 7 Post-Lab, Lab 8 Pre-Lab


Objective: One of the main focuses for today’s group meeting was to visit what the group accomplished over the past two weeks including progress on the website and managing to make the AEV get to the gate, pause, and then continue to the R2D2 unit. The group also presented a slideshow showing the progress made with the AEV along with the group plans and goals for the AEV in the upcoming weeks. The group is also discussing what the second design will be that is tested during lab 8.


To do/Action Items:

-Progress Report – (WD, MH, YW, RS)

-Team Notes – (RS)

– Project Portfolio – (RS)

-Secondary Design – (WD, MH, YW, RS)



The group decided that the secondary design will be the one created by Ronald Smith. The group also decided that once the new design is tested, the group will compare that to our original design and then orient the arduino code to make the chosen design more efficient. The group also decided to plan out what should be accomplished in the upcoming labs over break.



  • With one of our members not being present on campus Sunday, the group decided to meet on Monday.
  • The second design the group chose was chosen for the belief that it might be more efficient than the current design.
  • The meeting went smoothly and all team members accomplished their personal tasks.