Date: 07 – Feb – 2017
Time: 6:13 p.m. (Face-to-Face)
Members Present: Ronald Smith, Wesley Devore, Yumeng Wei
Topics Discussed: Lab 3 Post-Lab, Lab 4 Pre-Lab
Objective: One of the main focuses for today’s group meeting was to create the Progress Report for Lab 3 leading into Lab 4 and to discuss what our upcoming objectives will be for the upcoming week. The group discussed the possibility of what the final design for the AEV will be based of each group mates sketches. The group also discussed how to account for potential discrepancies in our schedules since one group mate was not able to attend this meeting.
To do/Action Items:
-Progress Report – (WD, MH, YW, RS)
-Team Notes – (RS)
The group decided what would be the most efficient design for the AEV, but also realize that some adjustment must be made in order to make the AEV perform at an optimal level. The group also decided that meeting would likely be more effective on the weekends since there are less extra curricular activities along with other surprises that may occur during the week.
-The timing of this meeting was chosen ahead of time but a scheduling conflict prevented a group member from attending.
-There was only two concept sketches that seemed viable for construction. While the group has chosen one, there is the potential for many enhancements to be made as construction and testing commences.
-Even though a group member did not attend the meeting, the group was still very productive and communication between the group and the missing teammate was excellent.