PDR Team Meeting 1

Date: 20 – Mar – 2017

Time: 5:30 p.m. (Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Ronald Smith, Melissa Holland, Wesley Devore, Yumeng Wei

Topics Discussed: Lab 8 Post-Lab, Lab 9 In Progress, PDR In Progress


Objective: One of the main focuses for today’s group meeting was to edit the code for our selected AEV to increase efficiency while also planning how to extend the code so that the AEV will be able to complete the entire journey. The group also began assigning roles for the preliminary design report and each member began their individual part. The project portfolio was also updated during this meeting.


To do/Action Items:

-PDR – (WD, MH, YW, RS)

-Team Notes – (RS)

– Project Portfolio – (RS)

-Code -(WD, YW)



The group decided that the second member-made design was extremely inefficient and therefore decided to continue with the original member-made design. The group also assigned roles for the upcoming Preliminary Design Report (PDR). There was also the group consensus on how various parts of the code should be edited to increase efficiency and consistency.



  • The group decided meeting twice in this week will be necessary in order to complete the PDR
  • The code has made progress in terms of efficiency but still does not complete the full course. This will be continually worked on throughout Lab 9
  • This meeting was not during the usual allotted time slot but worked with the schedules of all members