Progress Report Lab 6

Progress Report Lab 6

Lab 6 Consisted of taking the Lab Proficiency Quiz and therefore progress on the development of the AEV was halted temporarily.

Forward Looking To Lab 7

For the following labs, Group K will be creating Ron’s design to compare against Wesley’s design. They will then be testing each one to compare their energy sustainability. The team will create a code for each design to complete the full track. With multiple runs, they will compare the consistency of each vehicle to complete the scenario stated in the MCR. The final, functioning test will go into the CDR. From here, the team will compare all aspects of the vehicles and choose the design that is most energy efficient and consistent throughout all runs. The team maybe also decide the improve one vehicle based of characteristics that worked well on the other AEV design. These trials, comparisons, and improvements are essential to refining a final AEV design and making sure that it is most energy efficient and most consistent. The team will also continue to work towards their goals stated in their PDR: efficient air break, programs based on marks, and finding the most efficient power percentage.

Weekly Goals

  1.     Update Portfolio
  2.     Construct Ron’s design
  3.     Create Project schedule

Weekly Schedule

Task Teammate(s) Start Date Due Date Time Needed
Update Portfolio Ron 03/06/17 03/11/17 30 mins
Construct Ron’s Design Yumeng and Wesley 03/06/17 03/09/17 15 mins
Create Project Schedule Melissa 03/06/17 03/09/17 20 mins