Progress Report Lab 2
Before lab began our team constructed the model AEV given to us in the AEV documents. The model had two propellers and two sensors located on the arm of the AEV where the reflective tape of the wheel could be seen. In order to test if the sensors were working as intended and in the correct orientation, we were given the command “reflectanceSensorTest();” which would record how many marks the sensors measured and whether they were recording the AEV’s directions correctly. Our team was also given two sensor commands that could be programmed, “goToRelativePosition(m);” and “goToAbsolutePosition(c);”. Using these commands our team created a test program found in Appendix A that would use these functions to make the AEV run at various percentages of power for designated amounts of time.
For the propellers Team K worked with wind tunnels to take measurements of the different propeller types and orientations. The data gathered this way was used to find the Thrust Calibration, Power Input(Watts), Power Output(Watts and Horsepower), Efficiency, and the Advance Ratio.
Results and Analysis
The sensors recorded the correct amount of marks when tested on the lab table. Unfortunately due to time constraints and TA’s helping other groups we could not run our AEV on the track so we do not know how it would have actually run. More testing will have to be done regarding the use of marks before can confidently use them. The propeller data(Appendix A) collected suggests that the efficiencies of all the propellers are fairly poor, mostly below 5%. The most efficient propeller was the 2510 Pusher propeller, which had an efficiency of around 6% at low RPM.
Looking forward to Lab 03
For next week, Team K will be investigating techniques for creative thinking while also using the techniques to create a design idea for the AEV. During the lab, the team will spend time individually for 10-15 minutes brainstorming idea on how to design the AEV. They will then create an orthographic view of their design incorporating components provided in the kit. Also, this week, the team will create their project portfolio in order to better organize their data and work so far.
Weekly Goals
1) Create project portfolio
2) Read through Creative Thinking Techniques- Appendix A
3) Read through Mission Concept Review
4) Have a least one idea prepared before class
Weekly Schedule
Task | Teammate(s) | Start Date | Due Date | Time Needed |
Create Project Portfolio | Melissa, Wesley | 1/30 | 1/2 | 30 mins |
Skim through Creative Thinking, and Mission Concept Review | All | 1/30 | 1/1 | 30 mins |
One idea | All | 1/30 | 1/1 | depends |